Branches of Government
Enumerated v. Reserved

The events below describe the use of a government document.

Laura was born in France and lived in France until she immigrated to the U.S. at age 21.  At age 25, Laura visited Morocco on vacation.    

Why did Laura use a U.S. passport to travel?

A. nLaura was a resident alien of the U.S.

B.Laura was a resident national of the U.S.

C.Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of soil.

D. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of blood.

What is D? --> Laura was a U.S citizen by the law of blood. 


The branch of government that the president and the cabinet works.

What is the executive branch?


The freedom of speech and the freedom of the press

What is the 1st amendment?

44th president of the US
Who is Barack Obama?

The diagram below outlines the appeals path through a state court system.

Which court completes the diagram?

A. U.S. court of appeals

B. Florida Supreme Court

C. State-level court of claims

D. Court of Veterans Appeals

What is B. --> Florida Supreme court


Which source would give the most accurate information about the views held by an incumbent running for Congress?

A. special interest group ratings of that Congress member

B. a television commercial sponsored by a political party

C.the voting record of the candidate while in Congress 

D.flyers sent through the mail by the candidate

What is C? --> The voting record of the candidate while in congress


House of Representative and Senate work here

What is the legislative branch?


The right to bear arms

What is the 2nd amendments?

The 1st president of the US
Who is George Washington?

2. The scenario below involves damage to someone's property.

Last Saturday, Ashley was speeding through her neighborhood and ran into her neighbor Martin's fence. Ashley was ticketed, and now Martin is suing Ashley for $2,500, which he claims will be the cost to repair his fence.

In what type of court will the case be heard?

A. criminal court

B. civil court

C. family court

D. appeals court

What is B?  Civil court


Below is a statement made by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

…the news media seem to want to carry the negative.

What type of political communication is being referenced in the statement?



C. propaganda


What is B?--> Bias


is used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch. For example, the Executive Branch can veto bills from the Legislative Branch, but the Legislative Branch can override the veto.

What is checks and balances?


Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants

What is the 4th amendment?

The 35th President
Who is JFK?

The scenario below describes a safety issue.

A school bus stop is located on a city street with no crosswalk. Most of the students who are picked up at the bus stop live on the opposite side of the street, requiring them to cross a busy intersection to get to their bus.

What is the most effective strategy for getting the bus stop moved?

A. speaking to the bus driver

B. writing letters to the mayor

C. writing letters to the governor

D. speaking to a school board member

What is D? --> Speaking to a school board member


Which three rights are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

A.freedom of speech, right to work, right to petition the government

B.right to bear arms, right to a speedy trial, right to an education

C. freedom of speech, right to bear arms, right to a speedy trial

D. right to vote, right to work, right to a speedy trial

What is C? --> Right to vote, right to work, right to a speedy trial.

The Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary of Defense The Attorney General (Justice Department) The Secretary of the Interior The Secretary of Agriculture The Secretary of Commerce The Secretary of Labor The Secretary of Health and Human Services The Secretary of Homeland Security The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development The Secretary of Transportation The Secretary of Education The Secretary of Energy The Secretary of Veterans' Affairs
Which departments are in the cabinet?

Slavery was abolished with this Amendment 

What is the 13th amendment?

The 19th President of the US
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?

Which is the job of an appellate court?

A. to file a lawsuit

B. to review the verdict

C. to sentence the plantiff

D. to conduct a new jury trial

What is B? --> To review the verdict


Which constitutional principle is applied when police inform suspects of their rights?

A. due process of law

B.eminent domain

C.double jeopardy

D. trial by jury

What A? --> Due process of law 

the highest court in the country. The 9 justices are nominated by the president and must be approved by the Senate
What is the supreme court?

The first 10 amendments .

What is the Bill of rights?

The 30th President of the US
Who is Calvin Coolidge?

the document establishing the United States as a nation, adopted on July 4, 1776

What is the Declaration of Independence?