This Enlightenment thinker believed in the Social Contract and Natural Law.
John Locke
This Act was involved having a stamp to every official documents, and including playing cards.
Stamp Act
Petition the government.
The date of the Declaration of Independence.
July 4, 1776
This form of Government is ruled by the people.
This Enlightenment thinker believed in the Three (3) branches of government, and checks and balances.
Baron Charles de Montesquieu
This Act required the colonist to house military troops in their private homes.
Quartering Act.
This act of protest means to refuse to purchase any goods, or use any services from any source or entity.
The main author of the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson
NO form of government is called a ........
Thomas Jefferson was inspired by this Enlightenment thinker when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
John Locke
This costly conflict between England and France created a huge financial debt to the victors of this war.
French and Indian War/Seven Years War
These colonists dressed up as native Americans and dumped a large cargo of tea into the Massachusetts harbor is famously known as the ...........
Boston Tea Party.
The longest written section of the Declaration.
The list of Grievances
This form of government allows the people to elect candidates that represent them.
Indirect Democracy, Representative Democracy, or a Republic
This Enlightenment view involved the theory that the people would consent to be governed, and in return the government is to protect our individual liberties.
Social Contract
The English tax was imposed on various products, such as: paint, glass, paper, lead, and tea.
Townshend Duties
These battles were the first shots of the American Revolution, which also included the phrase, "the shot heard around the world."
Lexington and Concord
introduction to a document that explains the purpose of the document.
This form of government involves one ruler.
Absolute Monarch, Dictator, or Autocrat (Autocracy)
These rights were granted to us the moment we are born, and government can neither grant them nor take them away.
This Act imposed on the British Colonies included the shutting down of colonial legislatures, and closing Boston harbor, and is famously known in the Americas as the Intolerable Acts.
Coercive Acts
This pamphlet written by Thomas Paine appealed to his fellow Americans to break free from Great Britain.
Common Sense
Who are written as the main villains in the Declaration of Independence.
This form of Monarchy is limited due to the fact that it is subject to a ..........
Constitution (Constitutional Monarchy)