How many votes to ratify a presidential foreign treaty?
2/3 or 67 votes
When the President is giving orders to the military he is portraying his role as....
The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand launched all the European countries into this conflict.
World War I
This incident nearly began World War III simply because the Soviets parked missiles pointing at the United States.
Cuban Missile Crisis
This form of Government is ruled by the people.
Which Article of the Constitution is the Legislative Branch?
Article I
When the President is engaged with active diplomatic talks with other heads of states the president is portraying his role as..
Chief Diplomat
The bombing of the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor brought the USA into this war.
World War II
This communist country invaded its southern sister country in southeast Asia, bringing the United States into this conflict.
Vietnam War
NO form of government is called a ........
The President of the United States is Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces but only Congress can.....
Declare War
The president signs a treaty alongside another head of state during a ceremony, the president is portraying his role as ......
Head of State
The North Koreans invading the South brought a UN reaction to support the south causing the .....
Korean War
This terrorist attack on 3 different US cities lead to the invasion of Afghanistan to persecute the one responsible for this action.
Sept. 11, or 911
This form of government allows the people to elect candidates that represent them.
Indirect Democracy, Representative Democracy, or a Republic
Which federal branch is responsible for funding and maintaining the military?
The Legislative Branch.
The president can make war for 60 day, however, the ______ _____ _____ of 1973 requires that the president report to congress within 48 hours of sending troops into harms way.
War Powers Act
The primary goal for the United States during the cold war was to maintain .......
Communism were it remained.
In the capital city of Tehran, Iranian students stormed the US embassy out of protest for the American presence in their country and their support of the Shah.
Iran Hostage Crisis
This form of government involves one ruler.
Absolute Monarch, Dictator, or Autocrat (Autocracy)
The War Powers Act of requires that the President report to .......
Which member of the executive cabinet advises the president in foreign affairs.
Secretary of State
This C.I.A. action assisted a number of Cuban exiles to liberate their home country of Cuba from Fidel Castro.
Pay of Pigs invasion
Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait led to this war in the Persian Gulf.
The Persian Gulf War
This form of Monarchy is limited due to the fact that it is subject to a ..........
Constitution (Constitutional Monarchy)