How many cadet Airman and NCO grades are there
What does ABU stand for
Airman Battle Uniform
How many ways are there to wear the uniform
When was CAP founded
December 1st, 1941
What are the Air Force Core Values
Integrity First, Volunteer Service, Excellence in all we do, Respect
Who are the people you exchange salutes within any outdoor setting
Any Cadet Officer, Senior member, Officers in US Armed Forces, American flag
I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program and that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community state and nation.
What are CAP core values in order
Integrity, volunteer service, excellence, respect
Where is CAP National Headquarters
Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama
What is the Air Force Honor Code
I will not lie, steal of cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
What are the 5 milestone achievements
Wright Brothers, Billy Mitchell, Amelia Earhart, Eaker, Spaatz
What is CAP mission
Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs, Emergency Service
What are 4 elements of the cadet program
Leadership, Aerospace Education, Physical training, Character development
Which pilots flew the first powered flight
Wright Brothers
When was the Air Force founded
September 18th, 1947
Who is CAP National Commander
Major General Regena M. Aye
What is CAP motto
Semper Vigilans - Always vigiland
Who was the first National Commander
Major General John F. Curry
What uniform does the U.S. Air Force use
Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
What are the phases of the cadet programs
Learning, Leadership, Command, Executive
What are basic requirements for a promotion
Leadership written and drill test, Aerospace test, Fitness test, CDI
What is the last milestone award a cadet can achieve
Spaatz Award
How many current active Civil Air Patrol members are there (Including senior members)
Around 65,000 total
36,000 senior members
30,000 cadet members