The date Civil Air Patrol was founded.
What is December 1st 1941?
Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence, Respect
What are the Core Values?
The cadet grade insignia with 5 stripes
What is Cadet Technical Sergeant (C/TSgt)?
Titan Squadron's Commander
Who is LtCol Frank E. Merrill?
The four forces of flight
What is lift, drag, thrust, and weight?
The first National Commander of Civil Air Patrol
Who is Brig. General John F. Curry?
The three missions of Civil Air Patrol
What are Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs, and Emergency Services
Cadet grade with one diamond
What is Cadet Major (C/Maj)?
Titan Squadron's Cadet Commander
Who is C/Capt E. Tomas Lopez?
CAP has the largest privately owned fleet of this aircraft
What is the Cessna 172?
Civil Air Patrol's uniform regulation
What is CAPR 39-1?
The number of Regions in CAP
What is 8?
The highest award a cadet can achieve
What is the Carl A. Spaatz Award?
The Squadron IT Officer
Who is SM Kyler Lopez?
This group meets every month to discuss policies and possible changes to the Cadet Program
What is the Cadet Advisory Council?
The day CAP's cadet program was founded
What is Oct. 1, 1942?
Civil Air Patrols motto and it's meaning
What is Semper Vigilans, Always Vigilant?
The grade insignia of 2 stars
What is Major General?
The Indiana Wing Commander
Who is Col. Jamie Griffith?
The National Cadet Special Activity that LtCol Merrill and C/Capt Lopez have attended
What is the National Emergency Services Academy?
The 6 States in the Great Lakes Region of CAP
What is Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin?
The National Headquarters Location
What is Maxwell Air Force Base
The grades for Senior Members aged 18-20
What are Flight Officer, Technical Flight Officer, and Senior Flight Officer
Titan Squadron's Cadet Public Affairs Officer
Who is C/2dLt V. Quinn Weber?
Record setting female pilot who had her own clothing line made out of parachute silk
Who is Amelia Earhart?