What is the absolute fastest a cadet can earn the Spaatz Award?
Approximately 38 months
What is the exact regulation that governs cadet promotion requirements?
CAPR 60-1
What was the first year female cadets were allowed in CAP?
What are the three most competitive NCSAs based on acceptance rates?
PJOC, Hawk Mountain, National Blue Beret (NBB)
How many multiple-choice questions are in the Spaatz Aerospace Education and Leadership exams?
60 questions each
What is the only cadet achievement that requires a presentation instead of a test?
Achievement 8 – The Arnold Award (C/CMSgt)
What does CAPR 52-16 refer to, and why is it no longer in use?
It was the old cadet program regulation before being replaced by CAPR 60-1 in 2018.
What was the original minimum age requirement for cadets when CAP was founded?
15 years old
What special CAP event allows cadets to fly aboard Air Force aircraft like the C-130 and KC-135?
Air Force Familiarization Flights
What is the required passing score for each Spaatz written test?
80% or higher
Which regulation governs encampment policies and procedures?
CAPP 60-70
What two milestone awards were added after the Spaatz Award was introduced?
Wright Brothers Award (2003) and Ira C. Eaker Award (1998)
What is the only CAP activity where cadets can earn an official Air Force qualification badge?
Hawk Mountain Ranger School
What is the most failed portion of the Spaatz Exam?
The Cadet Physical Fitness Test (CPFT)
What is the longest a cadet can remain in the cadet program?
Until the day before their 21st birthday
What is the minimum time required for a cadet to hold command of an encampment squadron before being eligible to serve as Encampment Cadet Commander?
No strict CAP regulation, but most wings require previous encampment experience.
Which former CAP cadet became a NASA astronaut?
Eric Boe
Which CAP cadet school is modeled after Air Force Squadron Officer School?
Cadet Officer School (COS) at Maxwell AFB
What happens if a cadet fails the Spaatz exam three times?
They permanently lose the opportunity to earn the Spaatz Award and can only remain a C/Lt Col.
What is the record for the most Spaatz Awards earned in one calendar year?
76 cadets in 2020
Which CAP regulation outlines the standards for emergency services training and mission participation?
CAPR 60-3
A CAP Cadet was responsible for which historic event in the 1960s?
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy
How many points do you get on the NCSA point scale from achieving the Spaatz Milestone.
20 points
What is the longest recorded time a cadet has taken to complete the entire cadet program, from Curry Achievement to Spaatz Award?
Over 8 years