AF drill manual
DAFPAM 34-1203
Who is the first achievement?
Maj Gen John F. Curry
The foot you step off on to begin marching
What is the left foot
Award of CAP medals, Ribbons, and Certificates
Rickenbacker achievement number
How to peform a left face
a pivot on the left heel and right toes for the first count and bring the right foot to the left on the second count
Female Hair Regs
No more than 4 inches of bulk off the head. May have one or two braid(s) or a ponytail but it cannot extend below a horizontal line running across the top of each sleeve inseam at the underarms through the shoulder blades. May have a bun. If worn loose, hair will end above the bottom edge of collar and will not extend below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground, both front to back and side to side. Locs, braids, twists, micro-braids, French braids, Dutch braids and cornrows are authorized. Black hair accessories are allowed to keep the hair neat.
Milestone 4
Gen Ira C. Eaker
How to Call a "to the rear"
Cadet Trackers Number
CAPVA 60-101a/b
Achievement 7
Dr Robert Goddard
How many cadets in are in a detail?
One to Two
Cadet Staff Handbook
CAPP 60-31
Col George Boyd
Achievement 14
How to perform "column right, march" with three elements
The right-most element performs an immediate 90 degree turn then begins half-steps, the middle element performs a "45, step, 45" then takes full paces until caught up then begins half-steps, The left most element performs a "45, step, step, step, 45" then takes full paces until caught up then joins in half-steps