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What is a CIH (Community Integration Home)?

A GROUP HOME for people with forensic status.


What term describes someone who is/was unable to resolve their criminal case due to mental health difficulties?

Incompetent to Stand Trial (IST).


In the forensic setting, who decides whether someone can be discharged from the hospital?

The JUDGE. All discharges must be approved by written court-order.


What is a STATIC risk factor?

This risk factor is something that cannot really change over time, like the past or HISTORY.


What is something you're not allowed to possess or own while in the community under a forensic discharge plan?

a WEAPON (e.g., gun, knives, etc.). This is a *FEDERAL* law. 


What is a Forensic Apartment (FA)?

An APARTMENT COMPLEX for people with forensic status.


What is OUTPATIENT civil commitment?

When someone can live in the community, but still has to follow the rules set by a judge.


What's the biggest thing the Judge wants to know in deciding whether someone can be discharged?

SAFETY (or risk of DANGEROUSNESS) to self or others. Or, ability to care for self. 


What is a DYNAMIC risk factor? 

This is a risk factor that CAN CHANGE over time (i.e., doesn't stay the same), like symptoms or family connection.


Doing this could land me back in jail with additional charges, and/or back at the hospital for violating my release plan.

Breaking other laws (e.g., state, federal, local). 


Name a different type of placement that could be available to a patient.

Personal care home, nursing home, semi-independent apartment, Sober Living facility. 


What term is used to describe someone who was acquitted of their criminal charges due to mental health issues at the time?

Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI).


What is going to be the guide for what I need to do and not do in order to stay in the community?

My forensic discharge plan. 

Patients should stay away from these substances because they can worse symptoms, lead us to make dangerous or risky decisions, and use of them can be illegal.

Drugs, alcohol, prescription pills not prescribed to you.


What if I don't like my placement, can I just leave?

No, that would be a bad idea. I'd risk getting sent back to the hospital. 


If I wanted to live somewhere else, who's approval would I need?

The judge's. 


What is INPATIENT civil commitment?

When a judge requires someone to live IN the hospital.


What is the purpose of Level E? (court-wise)

Shows I can be safe, stable, and follow expectations in the community, while unsupervised.

History of violence is considered a _______ risk factor.

STATIC (we can't change the past).


What if I don't like my medications, can I just stop taking them?

That would be a bad idea, I could risk symptoms coming back and getting into more trouble (more charges, coming back to the hospital(. I can talk with my doctor and team about my concerns. 


What am I responsible for paying for?

Rent, medications, utilities, food. But I may be eligible for help paying for these things.

What is FULL DISCHARGE (i.e., unconditional discharge)?

After showing success and safety in the community, a person can petition the Judge for this, releasing them from further court involvement.


Who is your ADVOCATE in a hearing about discharge?

Your attorney. The Psychologist or Psychiatrist is NOT your advocate.


Name a dynamic factor and why it's dynamic.

E.g., attitude, daily medication compliance, social skills, anger, symptoms of mental illness, drug use.


What state am I not allowed to leave without the Judge's permission?
