Discovery Woes
What's In it?
When Is It Due?
Special Powers

The motion you file to get your discovery answered

What is Motion to Compel?


All motions must contain and state these two things with particularity

What are the Grounds and the Authorities?


The motion for a new trial

What is within ten days of entry of judgment?


This motion can take all the parties and triers of fact out of the courthouse

What is a Motion for a View?


The relief you get for a discovery failure for an incomplete answer to an interrogatory

What is an Order Compelling Discovery?


A motion for summary judgment based on facts not contained in the record must be supported by this

What is an Affidavit made upon personal knowledge?


The motion to defer the dismissal of suit

What is at any time before thirty days after service of the notice of dismissal?


This motion allows the Court to look into your mind and check you out

What is a Motion for a Mental or Physical Examination of a Person?


The motion that stops discovery and protects against sanctions

What is Motion for Protective Order?


A discovery dispute need not be considered by the Court unless the party has filed this with the Court

What is a Certificate of Good Faith Attempts to Resolve the Dispute and Lack of Success?


The motion to alter or amend the judgment

What is within ten days after entry of judgment ?  

The only judgment that is not subject to a motion to revise

What is a Default Judgment?


The relief you get if the other side does not file a response to the request for production of documents

What are Immediate Sanctions?


When striking your appearance the Motion must contain either one of these

What is the Client's written consent or Attorney's certificate of five days notice to client?


The motion for judgment not withstanding the verdict

What is within ten days of entry of judgment on the verdict or if no verdict is reached within ten days after the discharge of the jury?


This motion can change a judgment and delay when an appeal needs to be filed

What is a Motion to Alter Amend?


The relief the other side gets if you did not respond to requests for admissions

What is the Matter is Admitted?


Where an ex parte application is not expressly authorized what must the motion contain to comply with the rules

What is Applicant or Attorney's certification of efforts to give notice?


The motion for judgment

What is at the close of the evidence offered by opposing party and in a jury trial at the close of all the evidence?


This motion offers the Court the power even in a jury case to decide matters in the sole province of the Court

What is a Motion to Decide a Question of Law?