Choice of Law
Law School Trivia
Rule 12 Motions
Summary Judgment
These rules, which govern procedure in federal court, usually take precedence over local procedural rules.
What is FRCP?
Cases of fraud or mistake must be plead at this standard.
What is With particularity?
There are this many sets of stairs in the law school.
What is Five?
A motion for lack of subject matter jurisdiction may be raised during this time.
What is Eternity? It can be raised at any time.
In evaluating the evidence, the court must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of this party.
What is the non-moving party?
A choice of law analysis only arises in cases based on this type of jurisdiction.
What is Diversity?
Pleadings can be amended once, without leave, within this many days.
What is 21 days?

There are this many study rooms in the library.

What is Sixteen?

These defenses are waivable under Rule 12.
What is Personal jurisdiction, venue, process, and service of process?
According to FRCP 56(c)(1), a party opposing summary judgment may not rest upon these as evidence.
What is Allegations or denials in pleadings?
Fill in the blanks: In general, when there is a conflict between state and federal law, state law governs 1) ______ issues, while federal law governs 2) _______ issues.
What is 1) Substantive and 2) Procedural?
This type of sanction applies only to items filed with the court.
What is Sanctions under Rule 11?
This is the mailing address for the law school.
What is 721 N. Cincinnati St.?
The waivable defenses are waived under Rule 12 if this happens.
What is making a Rule 12 response without including them?
The standard of evidence to be used at summary judgment is the ____ as the standard of evidence to be used at trial.
What is Same?
These are known as the twin aims of Erie.
What is Prevent inequitable administration of justice and Reduce Forum Shopping?
Rule 11 provides this many days for an attorney to fix sanctionable conduct prior to finding a violation.
What is 21 days?
The Moderate Means Program office is located next to this room in the law school.
What is the courtroom?
Failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted is a defense that can be raised until the end of this.
What is Trial?
In order for a party to win on a motion for summary judgment, that party must show there is no genuine dispute as to these.
What are Material facts?
If a federal directive (statute or FRCP) is on point, 1)__________ Act governs the Choice of Law analysis; however, in absence of a federal directive, 2)_________ Act governs the analysis.
What is 1) Rules Enabling Act (28 USC § 2072) and 2) Rules of Decision Act (28 § 1652)?
A complaint must contain these three components.
What is 1) Statement of grounds for subject matter jurisdiction, 2) Short, plain statement of the claim, 3) Demand for relief sought?
There are this many legal clinics offered for students to participate in at the law school.
What is Eight? General Practice Law X 2, Consumer Law, Federal Tax Law, Environmental Law, Indian Law, Elder Law, Business Law.
When a statement is vague or ambiguous, this motion under Rule 12 is appropriate.
What is Motion for More Definite Statement?
To show no genuine issue of material fact, either parties can agree on all material facts or one party can show that there is so little evidence that this could not find for the opposing party.
What is No reasonable jury?