What was the period called after the Civil War ended
The Reconstruction Era
Which amendment abolished slavery in the United States?
13th Amendment
Requires individuals to pay a fee to vote
Poll Tax
Who became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?
Andrew Johnson
Legally, or socially separating people based on race, color or other factors.
Andrew Johnson was the ______ president of the United States.
What was the main reason Reconstruction ended in 1877?
The North lost interest and withdrew federal troops from the South
The 14th Amendment guaranteed:
Citizenship and equal protection under the law
Literacy Tests
Mandate voters to pass a reading and comprehension test
What was the name of the secret society that used violence to intimidate African Americans and their allies during Reconstruction?
The Klu Klux Klan
Black Code Law
Laws that restricted African Americans freedoms after the Civil War
A group that wanted harsh penalties for the South and full rights for African Americans
Radical Republicans
Jim Crow laws were passed during Reconstruction to promote racial equality
The 15th Amendment granted:
African American men the right to vote
Allows individuals to vote only if their grandfathers had the right to vote before the civil war
Grandfather Clause
Which president ended Reconstruction by removing federal troops from the South?
Rutherford B. Hayes
A government agency that helped freed slaves
Freedman's Bureau
Why did Congress impeach President Andrew Johnson?
He Violated the Tenure of Office Act
What was one way Southern states tried to prevent African Americans from voting after Reconstruction ended?
Poll Taxes
Literacy Tests
Grandfather Clauses
Property Requirements
Intimidation and Violence
What ended the Reconstruction Era?
The Compromise of 1877
Restricts the power of the president by preventing him from removing certain government officials without Senate approval. (Aimed at President Andrew Johnson during Reconstruction)
Tenure of Office Act
Which president was impeached but not removed from office?
Andrew Johnson
A white Southern who supported Reconstruction policies
The term “Jim Crow” refers to:
Laws that enforced segregation
What was the main goal of the Reconstruction Era?
To rebuild the South and integrate freed slaves into society
Which Act placed the south under military control?
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Radical Republicans
Strongly opposed slavery and advocated for equal right for African Americans
A person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction
What was the name of the secret society that used violence to intimidate African Americans and their allies during Reconstruction?
The Klu Klux Klan
Why did many Southern states pass poll taxes?
to prevent African Americans from voting