The Happy Days
Court Cases/Acts(40s/50s)
Important People
Key Events

What happened to the economy in the fifties?

 American economy experienced significant growth, leading to a rise in the standard of living for many people.


What did Brown vs the Board of Education do?

It was a court case declared separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional, overturning Plessy v. Ferguson in 1954.


Who is seen as a central figure to the Civil rights movement, who helped organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott,  the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and the March on Washington, while giving incredible speeches.

Martin Luther King Junior (1929-1968)



What was boycotted in Montgomery?

The Bus system was boycotted for over a year after Rosa Parks was arrested.


After the war the US experienced what growth of the population, particularly children.

The baby boom!


What was the act signed into law was made to allow for investigation of voter discrimination .

The Civil Rights Act of 1957


An African American woman who refused to give her seat on the bus leading to the Montgomery bus boycott?

Rosa Parks


What tragic event in 1964 involved the murders of civil rights activists James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, who were participating in voter registration efforts in Mississippi during a campaign.

What is the Freedom Summer Murders.

What new technology did many Americans buy with their new found wealth impacting peoples view of the Vietnam war?

The TV.


Who were the Little Rock Nine?

Nine students previously barred from going to high school.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower used federal troops to ensure the students' safety and enforce their integration into the school. 


What was the group Malcom X was a part of and how was the groups version of protest different than MLKs and like minded protestors?

The Black Panther Party

The Black Panther Party, believed in pursuing change by any means necessary including violence.


Greensboro Sit-ins (1960) Were nonviolent protests against segregation by sitting at a whites-only lunch counters led by what people across the country?

College students.


What is this new process of people moving into the cities called?



What did the civil rights act of 1964 do?

Prohibited discrimination based on race in public places, schools, workplaces, and federally funded programs.


Who was Thurgood Marshall?

The first African American justice appointed to the United States Supreme Court, Marshall was a key figure in the legal battle against segregation, including arguing the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education.


What happened during the Selma to Montgomery Marches when marchers ran into state troopers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965?

Protestors were attacked with bullwhips, billy clubs and tear gas.


What kind of town was named after a returning WW2 veteran building new suburbs



What court case, upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the facilities were "separate but equal." in May 18, 1896?

Plessy Vs. Ferguson


Who was the 14 year old who was lynched in 1955?

Emmitt Till, his mother held an open casket funeral to show how her son was brutalized. This helped gather sympathy from people across the nation. (


What was it called when white and black protestors intentionally rode buses through the South, violating segregation policies, to highlight the lack of enforcement and to pressure the federal government to intervene and enforce the law?