Civil Rights People
Civil Rights SCOTUS
Civil Rights Vocab
Civil Rights Actions
Civil Rights Legislation
Civil Rights Legal Terms

The murder of this young man in Mississippi in the summer of 1955 was a major rallying point for the Civil Rights movement inspiring people like Rosa Parks

Who was Emmett Till? 


this early SCOTUS case made segregation LEGAL by establishing "separate but equal"

What was Plessy V Ferguson?


This school required Pres. Eisenhower to use the U.S. Army to ensure students were not threatened.

What was the Little Rock Central High School?


Refused to give up her first class seat on a train in the 1883, and again in 1884.

Who was Ida B. Wells?


This Amendment made slavery illegal in the USA

What is the 13th Amendment


These types of laws were the first post-reconstruction passed to limit the rights of blacks and included setting curfews, making unemployment illegal, and restricting travel. 

What were "black codes"


He would be the first African American MLB Baseball player 

Who was Jackie Robinson?

SCOTUS case that declared "Separate is UNEQUAL" which led to school integration. 

Brown V Board of Education (of Topeka, KS)


This government organization was used to enforce the desegregation of Universities of Mississippi and Alabama.

What was the U.S. Marshalls? 


Young people who went to segregated lunch counters participated in what became known as 



The amendment states that voting cannot be denied based on race

What was the 15th Amendment?


Sets of mainly southern laws that legalized racial segregation

Jim Crow Laws 


This Civil Rights leader best known for use of Civil Disobedience, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Selma marches, etc

Who was Martin Luther King? 


He was the civil rights lawyer who successfully argued Brown v Board of Education before the Supreme Court then went on to become the first African American Supreme Court Justice from 1968 and served until his retirement in 1991. 

Who was Thurgood Marshall


Group that formed initially to provide armed protection for blacks during civil rights rallies

What was the Black Panthers?


In late 1955, Rosa Parks' arrest led to a one year response from the the African American Community. 

What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?


This act was passed to end all segregation

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


This Supreme Court Case occurred two years prior to the Spanish American War

What was Plessy v. Ferguson?


This civil rights leader started as a radical Muslim but softened his stance after his trip to Mecca, and was assassinated by the NOI

Who was Malcom X?


This Supreme Court Case made interracial marriages legal

What was Loving v Virginia?


Stokely Carmichael coined the term associated with this image

What is "Black Power?"


An attempt to register black Mississippians to vote in the summer of 1964 

What was the Freedom Summer?


This Civil Rights Act made it illegal for states to interfere in voting rights

What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965?


This term is to describe a situation in which legislation did not overtly segregate students by race, but nevertheless school segregation continued.

What is de facto segregation? 


This college student would be the first African American admitted into Ole Miss in 1962

Who was James Meredith?


The decision in this case allowed Mexican children to go to public school with Caucasian children. This case occurred in 1947.

What was Mendez v. Westminster?


This movement promoted by Ghandi, King and others--The belief that it can be justified to break UNFAIR laws is known as "Civil ________"

What is disobedience?


This civil rights activist organized the March on Washington in the summer of 1963

Who was Bayard Rustin?


Civil Rights Act (YEAR) that made housing discrimination illegal



This states that all persons born or naturalized in the United States...are citizens of the United States

What is the 14th Amendment?