Movement of an employee from a position in one class to another class with a lower salary range
409 (d): Employees who start at Step A of their salary range become eligible for merit increase to Step B after how long?
6 Months
501: Open or promotional examinations to fill vacancies requires a public announcement of such vacancy and period of application for a minimum of this many days
7 Days
904: A limited term appointment shall not exceed this period of time, and is subject to annual review by the Civil Service Commission
Three years
1207: This formal disciplinary action is not subject to appeal, but the employee shall have right to rebuttal
Letter of Reprimand
Persons employed in non-regular, non-permanent positions to meet seasonal or peak workloads
Extra Help
409 (c): Merit increases shall be effective when?
On the first day of the pay period in which the salary anniversary date falls
609: Positions to which promotion follows satisfactory completion of the prescribed time of work experience, and may be effectuated on a non-competitive basis
Flexible Staffing
905: Unless extended by the Civil Service Commission, an Extra Help appointment shall not exceed this number of hours worked within a 12-month period
1040 hours
1214: Excluding fraud or embezzlement, a Notice of Disciplinary Action shall be invalid unless served within this time period
Within one year after the cause for disciplinary action first arose
The basic education, experience, training, ability, knowledge, license and other requirements for appointment
Minimum Qualifications
409 (g): A leave of absence without pay in excess of how many calendar days will cause the employee's merit salary anniversary date to be postponed?
30 calendar days
703: Unless determined otherwise by the County HR Director, the duration of an eligible list shall be no less than _______nor more than ________
No less than 3 months nor more than 4 years
905: Under these circumstances, Extra Help employees occupying a regular allocation may be converted to regular status in that position without further competitive examination
If the original appointment to that position was made from one of the ten highest standings on the appropriate eligible list
1204: Employees provided with a Notice of Proposed Suspension, demotion, reduction in salary or dismissal have this due process right prior to the disciplinary action taking effect
The right to respond, either orally or in writing, to the appointing authority (i.e. "Skelly")
The working test period required before a regular appointment
Probationary Period
408: The salary anniversary date of any officer or employee appointed and beginning work on or after the 16th day of the month
The first day of the following month
708: Names from this type of eligible list, if active, must be certified prior to all others (i.e. Dept promo, County promo, Open List)
a. Reemployment list
908: An employee who promotes within a flexibly staffed, safety classification series shall be subject to a probationary period of this duration
One year
1308: No later than 10 working days following receipt of a disciplinary action, the employee may submit an appeal to this person
Secretary of the Civil Service Commission (Vanessa)
An examination limited to qualified permanent or probationary employees
Promotional Examination
418: A regular employee temporarily assigned by their Dept Head, with recommendation of the County HR Director, to perform all of the duties of a higher civil service classification
Temporary Assignment out of Class
804: Exclusive of "Rule of the List", the County HR Director shall certify this number of eligibles from the highest standings
Nine more names than the number of vacancies to be filled
912: An employee who has promoted, transferred or demoted following completion of their original probationary period shall have this right if they fail their subsequent probationary period in the new position
Reinstatement to the class in the Department from which they promoted, transferred or demoted, unless that class is no longer utilized by the Department
1408: An employee absent from their position without permission from their Dept Head shall be considered to have abandoned and constructively resigned their employment after this period of time
More than 5 consecutive working days