Lesson 1-The War begins
Lesson 3- The War in the West

In 1861 a spark occured at ____ ______ a federal out post in Charleston South Carolina?

Fort Sumter


Who is Ulysses S. Grant?

Ulysses S. Grant was the Union general whose troops won several important battles on southern soil and in the western campaign. He led the Siege of Vicksburg.  


Deleware,Kentucky,Maryland, and Missouri  were also slave states that did not join the confederacy what were these states called?

Border States


What was the Siege of Vicksburg?

The Siege of Vicksburg was a six-week blockade that starved the city into surrender.


Robert E.Lee developed a two-part strategy which was 1-destroy the souths economy with a naval blockade of southern ports 2- gain control of the Mississipi River to divide the South.  True or False

False-Winfield Scott


Who is David Farragut?

Naval leader, David Farragut, led the Union navy up the Mississippi River.


Cotton diplomacy did not work as the South had hoped because Britain had large supplies of cotton, and it got more from India and Egypt.

true or false


What is the Battle of Shiloh?

In the Battle of Shiloh Union troops gained greater control of the Mississippi River valley.