Civil War 1
Civil War 2
Civil War 3
Civil War 4
Civil War 5

Who was President of the Union/The United States during the War Between the States?

 Abraham Lincoln


When southern states secede, they form a new country. What was the name?

The Confederate States of America


The Confederacy


a war between citizens of the same country

civil war


What was Sherman's March to the Sea?

It was the march of the northern commander Sherman through Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean and his army.  They used the tactic of total war to devistate the south.


Who won the US Civil War?

The Union

The North

The United States


Who was General Robert E. Lee?

The most famous General for The Confederacy and of the civil war.


What is an abolitionist?

A person who wants slaves to be freed and for to be rid of slavery forever


What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

Declared that slaves in the Confederate states were free (not the border states).  


Who was the Union Army General?

Ulysses S. Grant


Which side did Border States remain?

Union, North, USA


The economy of the south was heavily reliant on their __________ crops.



Name one major advantage the Union had in the war.

- Larger Population (including escaped enslaved persons fighting for the Union)

- Better Navy

- More factories/manufacturing/railroads.

-Better ecomony


What was the point Abraham Lincoln was making in the Gettysburg Address?

To encourage the people to keep fighting for the freedom for everyone in the country because our country was founded on that freedom.


Why was the Battle of Antietam significant? 

It was the bloodiest one day battle that caused Abraham Lincoln to write the Emancipation Proclamation.


The Civil War began with the attack on which fort?

Fort Sumter


Who won the election of 1860? 

Abraham Lincoln making him the 16th president of the United States. 


to separate from a nation or state, and become independent



What is total war?

It is where an army attacks the opposing soldiers and everything in its path, including farms, homes, railroads, and such, which in turn affects soldiers and civilians.


What were the advantages of the south?

-knew the land

-better military leadership


Who was the Confederate army General?

Robert E. Lee


What were the border states during the Civil War?

States that did not secede, but still kept slavery legal.


How did the Civil War end?

On April 9th, 1865, the confederate army General Lee surrendered his army, officially ending the civil war at the Appomattox Court House.


Why is the Appomattox Court House significant? 

It is where General Robert E. Lee (the Confederate general) surrenderd to the Union under the commander Ulysses S. Grant.


Why were the ironclads important?

It was the first ships made of iron, which made it difficult to win a naval battle because their weapons could not destroy the ships.


What was Abraham Lincoln's goal at the beginning of the War?  At the end of the War?

1. to keep the Union together

2. to end slavery and ensure all people are free


What was the Capital of the Confederacy

Richmond, Virginia


What was one major reason the Southern States seceded?

- Election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860

- Issues over slavery


Why was the Battle of Gettysburg important?

It was the turning point of the war, because the south lost more than a third of their men and retreated, which kept them from moving into the Northern states.


What were the three main points to the Anaconda Plan?

1. Block all southern ports

2. capture Richmond, VA (the captial of the Confederacy)

3. capture the Mississippi River to break the south up into sections


What is the definition of "Emancipation." 

The freeing of someone from slavery