What was the name of the new country the Southern states tried to create?
Confederate States of America
What was the name of the first battle of the Civil War?
Battle of Fort Sumter
What was Lincoln's view on slavery?
He opposed it and didn't want it to expand, but he would allow it in states that already had it
Which side of the war had more railroads, the Union or the Confederacy?
The Union - more than 22,000 miles of railroad tracks compared to 9,000 in the South
It allowed for the freedom of slaves in rebel states once they encountered Northern troops
How many states seceded from the Union in 1860?
Why did South Carolina attack U.S. forces at Fort Sumter?
They had seceded from the Union, so they demanded that American forces leave South Carolina, since they did not believe they were a part of the U.S. anymore
Why was the Battle of Antietam important for Lincoln?
It gave him the confidence and political power to issue the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862
Why was the invention of new guns important for the war?
It allowed soldiers to shoot multiple rounds before reloading, allowing them to kill greater numbers of people.
When was the Emancipation Proclamation issued and when did it take effect?
How many states seceded from the Union in 1861?
What was the bloodiest day in American history?
Battle of Antietam - 20,000 dead
Why was Lincoln assassinated?
He was blamed for the war and the South's problems and his killer was angry that Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery completely and give voting rights to Black people
TRUE OR FALSE: Both the American and Confederate presidents had telegraph offices that they used to communicate with soldiers in battle.
FALSE. Only Lincoln had a telegraph office in the White House; the South didn't have enough telegraph lines to make effective use of them.
Which states were excluded from the Emancipation Proclamation?
Any states that had legal slavery but hadn't seceded (Maryland, Delaware, DC, Kentucky, Missouri)
Name every state that seceded in 1861.
North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia
What was the bloodiest battle in American history?
Battle of Gettysburg - 50,000 dead
Who killed Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
TRUE OR FALSE: Both the American and Confederate presidents had telegraph offices that they used to communicate with soldiers in battle.
FALSE. Only Lincoln had a telegraph office; the South did not have enough telegraph lines to make good use of them.
What does Juneteenth commemorate?
The freeing of the last slaves in Texas on 19 June 1865
Name every state that seceded in 1860.
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina
What major rail transport hub in the South did the Union capture in 1864?
Atlanta, Georgia
When and where was Lincoln killed?
14 April 1865, Ford's Theater, Washington, DC
The invention of the ironclad warship allowed the Union to take control of what from the Confederacy?
Mississippi River
According to the Emancipation Proclamation, how could rebel states rejoin the Union without freeing their slaves?
Electing representatives to Congress