What is an Abolitionists
A person who want to stop or end slavery
Who got shot behind the head,and where
petersen house,Washinton,DC Abraham Lincoln
What did the north do to get the slaves to another place
The underground railroad
What are facts about the civil war?
The south and the north fought 1861 to 1865
What was the underground rail road?
The underground railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses that help to free the slaves
What does abolitionists do
An abolitionist who wants to stop slavery
Who shot abraham lincoln
John wilkes booth
did slaves get to celebrate their birthday
no they didn't
What was the cause that the north a North and south fought
the north fought to free the slaves and the south fought to keep there slaves
What did the underground rail do?
transport slave and other goods to a different place
Why do abolitionist want to get rid of slavery
Abolitionists want to get rid of slavery because it was national sin to America
what date was Lincoln elected president
tuesday ,november 6, 160
When did slavery start
slavery started in 1619
What were the cause of the civil war
The cause of the civil was is all about freedom of the slaves and keeping the slaves
Was the underground railroad a great idea
Yes it was because it saved a lot of slaves from the south
who is Harriet Tubman and how many mission did she so
Harriet Tubman did 13 mission and saved 70 enslaved people and she saved so many slaves from
How tall is Lincoln
Lincoln was 6 foot and 4 inches
What was something the the North had and the South didn't
True or False
Did 2% of America population die during the war
When was the underground railroad made
The underground railroad was made in 1831
Who is Frederick douglass
frederick Douglass is a person who was born into slavery and he escaped and became an
abolitionists and help other slave people
When was Lincoln born,and death
Birth ,February 12, 1809
Death ,April 15, 1865
What does slavery mean
Slavery mean to legally owned by someone else and forced to work for or obey them
Who was the person who built the underground railroad
wiliam still