Where were the first shots fired?
Fort Sumter
___________ was elected in 1860
Abraham Lincoln
The North spent _____ Billion dollars in the war.
The South deaths were around ________.
Who was the first state to leave the Union?
South Carolina
Where was the 54th Massachusetts greatest challenge?
Fort Wanger
Who was the president of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
What was the plan the North had?
The Anaconda Plan
Why did the South leave?
They felt that they no longer had a voice in the National Government
Where was Fort Sumter located?
Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
What was considered the bloodiest battle ever fought on u.s. soil?
The Battle of Gettysburg
Who led the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment?
What is the Militia Act?
Free blacks in the North could join the Union military
What was one way the South lost?
They used up all of their resources
What were the other states that left the Union?
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, George, Louisana, and Texas
The North took control of the Mississippi river at the Battle of __________
Abraham Lincoln vs __________ in the 1864 President election.
George Mclellan
A Navy
What did the South plan not to do?
That they would not invade the North.
In the final months of the war Grant tried to take ___________.
Richmond, Virgina
Robert Gould Shaw got injured in the battle at ________.
In 1864, Lincoln put _____________ in charge of the entire Union military effort.
Uliysses S. Grant
Lincoln's war strategies were to persevere the ________.
What happened to the Southern Industry?
They were crippled
What town did Lee surrender in?
Appomattox Court House Virgina