This was the purchase of land from Napoleon in 1803
what is the Louisiana Purchase
Lincolns first name
The Southern rebels tried to form this country during the War
What is the Confederate States of America (Confederacy)
the 16th President of the United States
who is Lincoln
the bureau set up to support freed people following the Civil War
what is the freedmen's bureau
This 1820 compromise did not allow slavery above Missouri's Southern boarder
What is the Missouri Compromise
The proclamation signed by Lincoln in 1862, freeing enslaved people in confederate territory
What is the emancipation proclamation
The North called themselves this during the Civil War
What is The Union
The most famous abolitionist who himself escaped from slavery in Maryland
Who is Frederick Douglass
the amendment that made slavery permenantly illegal in the United States
what is the 13th amendment
The Act that forced Native Americans to abandon their homes in the South East and move to Oklahoma
What is the Indian Removal Act or trail of tears
Famous address Lincoln gave after the largest battle of the Civil War
Gettysburg Address
This was the largest battle of the war
What is Gettysburg
The name of the man who just before the Civil War led a raid in Virginia in 1859, attempting to start a slave rebellion
who is John Brown
the amendment that gave every male citizen the right to vote
what is the 15th amendment
This war between 1846-1848 opened up huge territory for the United States
What is the Mexican American War
The political party of Lincoln during his presidency
what is the Republican party
The Civil war lasted from 18-- to 18--
what is 1861-1865
The General who eventually commanded the entire Union Army to Victory
US Grant
the racial caste system created after the failure of reconstruction in 1877
what is Jim Crowe
This Supreme Court Case in 1857 said enslaved people were still enslaved even if they went to free territory. It also said enslaved people were not citizens and had no constitutional rights.
What is the Dred Scott case
The state Lincoln was from
What is Illinois
the term for when Southern States attempted to quit the United States
what is secession
This president was impeached during reconstruction
who is Andrew Johnson
The political party that opposed reconstruction
what is the democratic party