Guided people on the Underground railroad
Harriet Tubman
President of The United States
Abraham Lincoln
What Southern Economy was based on
Act that said Northerners had to return any escaped slaves
Fugitive Slave Act
What Fredrick Douglass traded with white children, so they would teach him to read
Escaped slavery in Maryland, and wrote books about his experience
Fredrick Douglass
What Northern Economy was based on
The location of the battles gave The South a better knowledge of what?
Overruled the Missouri compromise, and caused Bleeding Kansas
The Kansas - Nebraska Act
The book Solomon Northrup wrote
12 Years A Slave
Man who was kidnapped in Washington D.C, and enslaved
Solomon Northup
Where the capitol of The North was
Washington D.C
President of The Confederacy
Jefferson Davis
Stated that all territories north of the 36 - 30 line would be free states, and all those south would be slave states
Missouri Compromise
The first state to leave the Union
South Carolina
Slave who led revolt that killed 55 people
Nat Turner
Why the North was better able to travel than the South was
Name One Main Confederate General
Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson
Why did Virginia pass literacy laws after Nat Turner
Because they did not want any more slaves to be able to organize a revolt
Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, that shed light on the horrors of slavery, and angered the south
Uncle Tom's Cabin
John Brown
How many people lived in the North
22 Million
Name one military school in The South, Pre Civil War
Known as "The Worst Supreme Court Decision in History"
Dred Scott
Name of the armory that John Brown raided
Harper's Ferry