Name one cause of the Civil War.
1) Slavery
2) State's rights
3) States seceding
Who was the President of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
Which battle ended in a tie?
The Battle of the Ironclads.
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
Freed the Slaves.
System of secret routes that escaping slaves followed to freedom.
The Underground Railroad.
Explain what "states' rights" means.
Each state should be allowed to make its own decisions.
Who was the 18th President?
Ulysses S. Grant
Picket's charge happpened at this battle....
The Battle of Gettysburg.
What was the 13th amendment?
Abolished slavery.
Separation of people because of their race.
What was the first battle of the Civil War?
Battle of Fort Sumter.
General of the Confederacy:
Robert E. Lee
How many people fought in the Civil War?
3 million.
14th amendment?
Charge a government official with a wrongdoing.
Which battle was the turning point of the war for the Union?
The Battle of Gettysburg.
Thomas Jackson's nickname:
Stonewall Jackson
How many people died at Fort Sumter?
15th amendment?
All male citizens can vote regardless of their race.
What was the Gettysburg Address?
The speech Lincoln gave after the Battle of Gettysburg that provided hope for a better nation once the war is over.
Explain the Anaconda plan.
1) Block all southern ports.
2) Take over the Mississippi river.
3) Take over the Capital of the Confederacy/Squeeze them in
This person was a lawyer before he was the 16th President.
Abraham Lincoln.
Who won the Battle of Bull Run?
The Confederacy.
What does Reconstruction of the South mean?
Rebuilding the south after the war.
What was the Monitor and the Merrimack
The Monitor was the Union ship and the Merrimack was the Confederate ship during the Battle of the Ironclads.