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Slavery & Abolition

What is an abolitionist?

What is: people that wanted to stop, or abolish, slavery


What were the 'North' and the 'South' each called in relation to the Civil War?

What is: the Union and the Confederacy


How many men were killed, wounded, or captured at the Battle of Gettysburg, which lasted only 3 days?

What is: over 45,000 men


What is another word for an 'amendment'?

What is: change


Which famous abolitionist wrote the newspaper called the Liberator?

What is: William Lloyd Garrison


Why was the invention of the cotton gin so problematic?

What is: it required more slaves to perform the labor needed to run it. 


How many states were a part of the Union & what was the capital?

What is: 25 states and the capital was Washington D.C.


What date did the Civil War finally erupt and where was the battle fought?

What is: April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter


What were Lincoln's two main goals during his presidency?

What is: 1) preserving the Union & 2) ending slavery in America


How many times did Frederick Douglass try to escape before he was finally free & where did he finally gain his freedom?

What is: 3 times & New York City


What was the name of the man that founded the Doctrine of Nullification, which argued in favor of states' rights?

What is: John C. Calhoun


How many states were part of the Confederacy & what were the capital(s)?

What is: 11 states & the capitals were Richmond, VA and Montgomery, AL


Which general had a more defensive war tactic?

What is: Robert E. Lee


What was the document called that was issued on January 1, 1863 and combined Lincoln's two goals into one purpose?

What is: the Emancipation Proclamation


What set Sojourner Truth apart from the other abolitionists we learned about?

What is: she sued the man that illegally sold her son; was one of the first African-American women to take a white man to court and win


What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

What is: Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state to maintain the balance of power in the United States


What was the main difference in the economy in the North and the South?

What is: the North had an industrial economy & the South had an agricultural economy


What other war did both Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee serve in?

What is: the Mexican American War


While Lincoln was president, the Southern states that had seceded were allowed to rejoin the Union, but only IF...

What is: they swore loyalty to America and if they ended slavery


What was so special about Harriet Tubman (besides that she escaped slavery)?

What is: she helped over 300 slaves get to freedom, was a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, was a nurse and spy for the Union Army


What were the FIVE MAIN CAUSES of the Civil War?

What is: the invention of the cotton gin, Missouri Compromise of 1820, states' rights, abolitionist movement, and Compromise of 1850


The idea that one's loyalties lay more with the state or region that one lives in rather than with the United States as a whole is called what?

What is: sectionalism


Why was the Battle of Gettysburg so important?

What is: Miss A decides if your answer is sufficient. :) 


What was the Thirteenth Amendment?

What is: a bill proposing that slavery should be illegal everywhere


After slavery was abolished, what new cause did abolitionists fight for?

What is: gender equality