What was the name political party Abraham Lincoln was member of (Hint, they are still around today)
The Republican Party (dedicated to stopping the spread of slavery into the new territories)
Who was the president of the United States/the Union during the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
What was the first battle of the civil war?
The battle of Bull Run
In the years leading up to the civil war, The United States attempted to avoid civil war by keeping an equal balance of ____states and ____ states
Slave, Free
In what century was the civil war fought (bonus 100 points for naming the years)
19th century, 1861-1865
This act stated that the the territories of Kansas and Nebraska could decide whether or not they would be free or slave states based on "popular sovereignty", or the will of the people.
Kansas Nebraska act
Who was the lead general of the confederate army?
Robert E Lee
Who did Lincoln first try and recruit to become the leader of the Union Army?
Bleeding Kansas
They were opposed to slavery and wanted to stop its spread in the new states/territories of the U.S.
Who was the head of the union army, and later became president after the end of the war?
Ulysses S. Grant
What was the battle that caused the “turning point” for the North in the American Civil War?
The Battle of Gettysburg
The south/confederates
How did the south react/respond to the election of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860's
they were extremely upset and responded by seceding from the union and forming the confederacy
This was a set of laws aimed at resolving disputes over slavery in newly acquired territories after the Mexican-American War
Compromise of 1850
Jefferson Davis
What was the name of the famous speech Lincoln gave after the battle of Gettysburg
True or false: The northern states attempted to secede from the union
False, the southern states (the confederates) did
What did Abraham Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation" do?
Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared that all enslaved people living in Confederate states still in rebellion against the Union were to be freed,
Describe what the Dred Scott Decision was and why it was significant
The Dred Scott Decision, a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1857, declared that enslaved people, like Dred Scott, were not considered citizens. It also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery in the territories
Daily Double: 1000 Points
1) This civil war general was referred to as "the butcher" for his brutal tactics of total war
2) This civil war general was considered one of the greatest military minds at the time, and was well known for his intelligent battle tactics and leadership skills
Ulysses S Grant
Stonewall Jackson
What was the name of the bloodiest battle of the civil war (Extra 200 points if pronounced correctly)
The Battle of Antietam
South Carolina
Which famous speech of Lincon's begins with the phrase "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
The Gettysburg Adress