Major Events/

What was one major impact of this novel?

Support grew for the abolitionist movement. 


After General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Court House, the main priority of the United States was to - 

Implement a plan to bring Confederate states back into the Union


These headlines refer to the decision in which Supreme Court case?

Dred Scott v. Sandford


Name one weakness the North during the Civil War. 

* Worse Generals

* Didn't know the area well

* Not as experienced with guns and horses


Which statement describes an economic difference between the North and South in the period just before the state of the Civil War?

The South was agricultural; while the North was agricultural and industrial.


  • “Bleeding Kansas”

  • Beating of Senator Sumner

  • Raid on Harper’s Ferry

What do the events listed above illustrate about the U.S. in the 1850s?

The debate over slavery was becoming more personal and divisive. 



How was the event depicted in this image significant to the Civil War? 

The Confederate attack upon the Union fort initiated the war.



In the cartoon above, which regional group is represented by the man with the tattered clothes on the left?

Southern planters


One advantage of the Confederacy had over the Union during the Civil War was that Confederate forces had - 

Knowledge of the terrain where most battles were fought


Name at least 3 causes of the Civil War. 

* Sectionalism

* Slavery

* Uncle Tom's Cabin

* Tariffs 

* States' Rights

* Industry vs Agriculture


We must not be enemies.  Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

                                                Abraham Lincoln,

                                   first inaugural address, 1861

Which idea does President Lincoln express in the excerpt?

The Union matters more than current disagreements between states


Which of the following completes this diagram?    

A. President Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address

B. the Gettysburg Address

C. the Emancipation Proclamation

D. the Thirteenth Amendment

C. the Emancipation Proclamation


The States have their status in the Union, and they have no other legal status...The Union, and not themselves separately, procured their independence and their liberty.

Which constitutional issue was President Lincoln addressing in this excerpt?

The legal ability of states to secede


What role did railroads play during the Civil War? Which side had the advantage regarding railroads?

Railroads allowed for the transport of men and supplies: goods, weapons and materials easier and faster during the Civil War. 

The North had the advantage because they had more railroads. 


Which of these correctly describes an effect of the Compromise of 1850 on escaped slaves and freedmen?

Members of both groups were captured under the Fugitive Slave Law.


I consider, then, the power to annul a law of the United States, assumed by

one state, incompatible with the existence of the Union, contradicted

expressly by the letter of the Constitution . . . 

                                               —Proclamation, President Andrew Jackson 

The proclamation above was issued during which of these historical events?

The Nullification Crisis


Which was a direct result of the Battle of Vicksburg?

Union forces gained control of the Mississippi River


In 1854, Anthony Burns, a fugitive slave from Alexandria, Virginia, was arrested in Boston and returned to Virginia.

Which federal legislation provided the basis for Burns’ arrest?

The Compromise of 1850


Which side had geographic advantages during the Civil War and Why?

The South because they were fighting in their own territory and were familiar with the geography. The North were not defending their own homes and were not familiar with the territory. 


 List three (3) causes of the Civil War:

Sectionalism, Slavery, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Election of 1860, and State's Rights


Which would be considered a major cause of the Civil War?

Southern states claimed the right to secede from the Union


Excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

“With malice [hatred] toward none, with charity for all,...let us strive on to...bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves...

The speech above shows that Lincoln believed that the South should

Receive fair treatment after the war


Speaker 1:  States and territories should decide the issue of slavery because the Tenth Amendment allows the states to decide issues not listed in the Constitution.

Speaker 2:  The federal government should have the power to limit the growth of slavery into states and territories.  Congress has the power to create such legislation.

These speakers here are debating which issue that eventually led to the start of the Civil War?

States’ rights


*The North had a larger population, more farm acreage, more railway mileage, and manufacturing establishments.

Which conclusion about the Civil War is most clearly supported by information provided?

The North was expected to win the war quickly.


Which of the following was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?

Fighting broke out between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansas.

Reminder: John Brown and the massacres in Kansas after the act passed.