People and Maps
Battles and Events

What was each region's stance on slavery?

The North believed slavery should be abolished for moral reasons.

The South did not because it believed abolishing slavery would destroy Southern economy.


What state was admitted into the Union in the Compromise of 1850?



During the Civil War, who was the president of the Confederacy?

During the Civil War, who was the president of the United States?

Jefferson Davis

Abraham Lincoln


What was the turning point of the war?

Who won and why?


The Union won because they had high ground.


In battle, family members and friends often had to face ______________, combat was __________ and often __________________.

each other



What were the cultural differences between the North and South?

Use and define the word urban in your answer.

The North was an urban area in which people held (factory) jobs in cities.

The South was an agricultural society in which people lived in small villages and on farms and plantations.


Explain the state balance within the Missouri Compromise. Include the specific states admitted into the Union.

The Missouri Compromise kept the balance of slave states and free states equal. Missouri entered as a slave state, and Maine entered as a free state.


Who was a famous Confederate general from Virginia that earned a nickname in battle?

Who was a former enslaved African American who promoted African American involvement in the war?

Stonewall Jackson

Frederick Douglass


What officially started the war? 

What happened?

Firing on Fort Sumter

Confederate forces fired shots to force Union soldiers to abandon the fort.


What was a major killer during the war?

As the war went on, Southern troops became ________________________________________________________________________________________

disease and exposure

increasingly younger and more poorly equipped and clothed


Which region believed in states' rights? What was their belief about it?

The South believed in states' rights.

They believed that states had more power than the national government and could declare national laws illegal.


What is popular sovereignty?

Which compromise is known for it?

Letting the people within a territory or state vote on whether they would have slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act


Who was a Union general?

Who was the most famous Confederate general?

Where did they meet in April 1865, and what happened?

Ulysses S Grant

Robert E. Lee

They met at Appomattox Court House. Lee surrendered to Grant, which ended the Civil War.


What was the Battle of Vicksburg over, and why was it important?

It was over control of the Mississippi River.

Having control of the river meant control over trade, transportation, and access to supplies.


Who was Clara Barton? What did she do?

She was a Civil War nurse.

She created the American Red Cross.


What did the North believe about states' rights?
What did the North believe about secession?

Northerners believed that the national government’s power was supreme over the states. 

The North believed the nation was a union that could not be divided.


What was banned in Washington, DC in the Compromise of 1850? Why?

slave trade

The abolitionist movement was growing, especially in DC. Banning the slave trade was a compromise as well, because many Americans did not want their nation's capital to participate in slavery at all. 


Name three Union states and three Confederate states.

Union: California, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, New York, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Oregon, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Maine, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and West Virginia

Confederate: Alabama, North Carolina, Arkansas, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Virginia, Mississippi


What were the capitals of each side?

Confederacy: Richmond, VA

Union: Washington, DC


What was the war like for African Americans?

African American soldiers faced discrimination, were paid less, and served in segregated units led by white officers.

Many served the Union army.

The Confederacy used enslaved African Americans as ship workers, laborers, cooks, and camp workers.


What are tariffs? 

How did each region feel about them and why?

Tariffs are taxes on goods coming in or out of a country.

The North liked tariffs because it helped Northern factories and reduced foreign competition.

The South disliked tariffs because it made the prices of manufactured goods increase and threatened cotton sales with Great Britain.


What affect did the stricter fugitive slave law have on the North? How did Northerners feel about it?

If an enslaved African American escaped North, Northerners were legally required to help capture them. 

Northerners were angry, because it made them active participants in slavery.


What were the four border states?

What side were they on?

What was different about them compared to the other states on their side?

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware


They were slave states. The rest of the Union was made up of free states.


Who did the Emancipation Proclamation effect? 

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do to the focus of the war?

It freed enslaved people in rebelling states only.

It made "freeing the slaves" the new focus of the war.


Who was Robert Smalls?

What did he do?

He was an African American sailor.

He was brave and heroic. He became a Union naval captain, and after the war, he became a Congressman.