Civil War Begins
Civil War Fighting
The Aftermath
This is the belief that your part of the country or world is superior to all others.
What is Sectionalism?
This was the name of the network of homes and businesses that served as shelter for runaway slaves.
What is the Underground Railroad?
This was the number one cause of the Civil War in 1860.
What is slavery?
The Union Navy used a technique where they had naval ships create a wall on the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. What is this maneuver known as?
What is a Naval Blockade?
This was the name of the document that led to the eventual freeing of the slaves with the 13th Amendment.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
What line was created thanks to the Compromise of 1820?
What is the 36' 30 latitude line?
This woman was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad. Known as "Moses"
Who is Harriet Tubman?
This state was the first to leave the Union.
What is South Carolina?
The plan that the Union devised to squeeze the South into submission resembled what animal, thus earning it's nickname?
What is a snake? "Anaconda Plan" or "Scott's Great Snake"
This was the most famous African American regiment in the entire Union Army as they were glorified for having led the charge on Fort Wagner. Popularly known as the heroes of the 1989 film "Glory".
What is the 54th Massachusetts?
This law forced all Americans to help with the recovery of runaway slaves.
What is the Fugitive Slave Law?
This woman wrote a very influential book known as "Uncle Tom's Cabin", which exposed some of the terrible violence that slaves experienced to Northerners.
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
This man was elected to be the President of the United States in 1860 sparking outrage from Southern Democrats.
Who is Abe Lincoln?
This was the single bloodiest day in American history with around 23,000 casualties.
What is Antietam/Sharpsburg?
This man had a famous "March to the Sea", where he burned everything in his path that he and his men could not use.
Who is William T. Sherman?
This was the name of the event where pro-slavery and anti-slavery activists fought in a new state
What is Bleeding Kansas?
This was the only place that slaves could escape to where they were truly out of the reach of slave catchers.
What is Canada?
This side had far more resources than the other (ex. factories, railroads and money)
What is the Union or the North?
This battle lasted 3 days in southern Pennsylvania and was considered the turning point of the war.
What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
When the war ended approximately this many Americans died during the war?
What is 600,000?
This man became famous for killing 5 people during Bleeding Kansas with his sons and then tried to start at raid at Harper's Ferry Virginia in 1859.
Who is John Brown?
In the Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court case, this ruling changed slavery by saying that they did not have what?
What is protection by the Constitution?
This was Lincoln's Primary objective when the war began
What is to maintain the Union or reunite the country?
This was name of the infamous battle tactic ordered by General Lee to have 14,000 men break the Union lines at Gettysburg.
What is Pickett's Charge?
Lincoln created the 10% plan in order to bring the Southern States back into the Union. What were the 3 points of his plan?
What is have 10% of voters swear allegiance to the US, new govt and no slavery.