The Two Sides
Early Years of the War
A Call for Freedom
Life During the Civil War
The Way to Victory
Four states joined the confederacy after Abraham Lincoln sent troops to save the Union. They were: Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas.
In February of 1861, seven states left the Union and formed the Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln right after the bombardment at Fort Sumter, issued troops to save the Union. This just caused more states to join the Confederacy. How many states joined the Confederacy and which ones?
It began when about 30,000 inexperienced Union troops attacked a slightly smaller, equally inexperienced Confederate force.
The first major battle of the Civil War was fought in northern Virginia. This was near Bull Run. This battle is usually referred to as the First Battle of Bull Run. How did this battle begin?
Their main goal was to preserve the Union rather than to destroy slavery. Abolitionists did not control the North. Abraham Lincoln insisted on many occasions that they would act only to prevent slavery.
What was the Northerners main goal from the start of the war through the brutal battle of Antietam?
Their enthusiasm did not last because they lived in camps where sometimes their lives were dull, a routine of drills, bad food, marches, and rain.
Why in the beginning all the soldiers rushed to volunteer to be in the war, but their enthusiasm did not last?
The Union flag of 1863 had 35 stars. Like all the union flags of the Civil War, it retained stars for the seceded Southern states. Thus it supported Lincoln and the North’s claim that the Union could not be broken.
What did the Seventeenth Flag of the Union in 1863 consist of?
Many reasons as to why Maryland was very important was because it was close to Richmond, vital railroad lines passed through Maryland, and Washington D.C. lay within the state.
Each state that was still in the Union were very essential in different ways. Why was Maryland one of the most important Border States?
Within days Lincoln issued a call for more volunteers for the army. This time he requested for 1 million soldiers who would serve for three years. Lincoln also appointed a new general.
The outcome of the battle shocked the North. Northerners began to understand that the war could be a long, difficult, and costly war. What did Abraham Lincoln do after this?
The slaves raised much of the crops used to feed the armies, and they did the heavy work in the trenches at the army camps. Without them it would be very hard to survive.
How did the 3.5 million slaves in the Confederacy help their economy?
They became teachers, office workers, salesclerks, and government workers. Women also performed jobs that helped the soldiers and the armies.
Many Northern and Southern women took on a role in the war. What were some of their roles that they played?
It began when Union cavalry surprised Rebel infantry raiding the town for shoes.
How did the three-day Battle of Gettysburg begin?
He suspended some Constitutional rights and used his power to arrest people for active support of secession. Lincoln supported rebellion against Missouri pro-Confederate state government. This ended up working.
Lincoln had to be very careful not to antagonize any of the Border States which would cause them to secede. If he said that he wanted to end slavery, groups supporting the confederacy would take their state out of the Union. If he ordered Northern troops into Kentucky, Confederate Sympathizers would claim the state had been invaded and swing it to the South. How did Lincoln get around this problem to satisfy everyone?
It lasted for only 2 days. It was when confederate forces led by Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G. T. Beauregrad launched a surprise attack on the Union troops.
How long did the Battle of Shiloh last and how did it begin?
After the Union forces turned back the Confederate troops at the Battle of Antietam. Lincoln decided to act. Five days after the battle, on September 22, 1862, he announced his plan to free al salved African Americans in the Confederacy. This was called the Emancipation Proclamation.
By the summer of 1862, Lincoln had decided to emancipate all enslaved African Americans in the South. However, he needed to wait for the right moment. When did Lincoln decide to free the slaves?
Each one of these women helped the soldiers recover from injuries. Dorothea Dix organized large numbers of women to serve as military nurses. Clara Barton became famous for her work with wounded soldiers, and later she founded the Red Cross. Sally Tompkins established a hospital for soldiers in Richmond, Virginia.
How did these women Dorothea Dix, Clara Barton, and Sally Tompkins do in the war to help many soldiers?
Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas were sealed away from the Confederacy.
With the surrender of Vicksburg and then Port Hudson, the Union now had control of the entire Mississippi River. What else did they have complete control of?
There were many weaknesses that the North was faced with. One was that their public opinion in the North was divided over the war and support. The war took place in the South and many people thought that the South was going to win.
The North had many advantages and weaknesses. Their advantages were that they had more population to support the war, more industries, and more resources than the South. Those were only some of them. What were the North’s disadvantages?
This capture meant that the confederacy could no longer use the river to carry its crops to sea. This gave the Union forces control of almost all of the Mississippi River.
A few weeks after Shiloh, The North won another important victory. On April 25, 1862, Union naval forces captured New Orleans, Louisiana, the largest city in the South. What did this capture mean?
Lincoln hoped that knowledge of this proclamation would encourage slaves to runaway from their slave holders.
Because the Emancipation Proclamation applied only to areas that the confederacy controlled, it did not actually free anyone. What did Lincoln hope would happen?
A person could avoid being drafted by hiring a substitute.
In April 1862, the confederate congress passed a draft law that required men between 18 and 35 to serve in the army for three years. How could one avoid being drafted?
Lincoln named Grant commander of all the Union armies.
To what military position did Lincoln name Grant after Chattanooga
To achieve this goal the South devised a defensive strategy. It planned to defend its homeland. Also, the South expected that Britain and France, which imported large quantities of Southern cotton, would pressure the North to end the war so that their cotton supply would be restored.
The South’s primary aim of the war was to win recognition as an independent nation. They wanted to preserve slavery. What did they need to do to achieve their goal?
In a field near Fredrick, Maryland, 2 Union soldiers found a copy of Lee’s orders for his army wrapped around three cigars. Now McCallen knew exactly what Lee planned to do.
What happened on September 13th 1862 when the North had really good luck?
At the conclusion of the war, one-fourth of the enslaved population had fled to areas controlled by Union armies.
When the Civil War began, about 3.5 million enslaved people lived in the confederacy. This made it up to 40 percent of the region’s population. At the end of the war how many enslaved people fled to the Union?
Both the Union and the Confederacy financed the war by borrowing money, increasing taxes, and printing paper money. Both sides imposed new taxes as well.
How did the North and South try to deal with the econymy and try to make it better?
Finally, on April 2, 1865, the Confederate lines broke and Petersburg fell to the Union.
Throughout the fall and winter of 1864, Grant continued the siege of Petersburg. Lee and his troops desperately defended the town, but sickness, hunger, casualties, and desertion weakened them. What happened in Virginia?