Social Media Basics
Communication Methods
Social Media Tools
Engagement Strategies
Types of Social Media

What is social media?

Any online service, site, or mobile app that allows people to interact and be social.


Name one method of communication used in social media.

E-mail, social media posting and commenting, instant messaging, text messaging, voice over IP, video conferencing, or streaming.


What is monitoring/listening?

Monitoring/listening refers to tracking social media activity and discussions.


What does engagement mean in social media?

Engagement in social media refers to the interaction and connection between users and brands or content.


Name one type of social media platform.

One type of social media platform could be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


What is user-generated content?

Content created by consumers who become publishers on social media platforms.

  • What is owned communication?

Owned communication includes any content created by the business or individual themselves.


What does analytics refer to?

Analytics refers to the measurement and analysis of data from social media platforms to assess performance.


List two ways to engage on social media.

Two ways to engage on social media include responding to questions and sharing information.


What are microblogs?

Microblogs are short blog posts, often limited in character count, such as Twitter posts.


What are two differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

1. Web 1.0 is one-way communication; Web 2.0 allows for two-way communication. 2. Web 1.0 content is static; Web 2.0 content is dynamic and interactive.


What is paid advertising on social media?

Paid advertising on social media is used to boost communication to a specific audience.


Name a free social media tool.

A free social media tool could be Hootsuite Free, Buffer Free, or TweetDeck.


What is a call to action?

A call to action is a prompt that encourages users to take a specific action, such as clicking a link or making a purchase.


What is media sharing?

Media sharing refers to platforms designed for users to upload and share various types of media like images, videos, and audio.


Define tagging in social media.

Tagging is the practice of categorizing online content through tags, allowing users to collectively classify and find information.


Define earned communication.

Earned communication refers to content that is shared or promoted by others without payment.


What is influencer identification?

Influencer identification involves finding social media users who have influence over others and can help promote content or brands.


Explain the importance of response in engagement.

The importance of response in engagement is that it fosters conversation, builds relationships, and encourages further interaction.


Explain the role of social games in engagement.

Social games engage users by allowing them to play games collaboratively or competitively, often incorporating social media features.


What is the purpose of dashboards?

The purpose of dashboards is to provide a single view of a variety of information sources and gather metrics from multiple social media sites.


Give an example of organic marketing.

An example of organic marketing is content produced and posted without any advertising costs.


What is management/publishing in social media?

Management/publishing refers to the tools and processes that help schedule and publish content across social media platforms.


How do businesses use social media for market research?

Businesses use social media for market research by gathering insights on consumer behavior, preferences, and trends through interactions and feedback on social platforms.


What is a virtual world?

A virtual world is an online environment where users can interact with each other and the world through avatars, such as Second Life.