We the People
The Amendments
Tests, Views and, Standards
Powers and More
Under his leadership, the Supreme Court rendered many decisions advancing civil liberties, especially in the criminal context
Who is Chief Justice Earl Warren?
A false publication in a newspaper that causes damages to a non-public figure
What is libel?
This amendment is used to make most of the provisions of the Bill of Rights applicable to the states
What is the 14th Amendments Due Process Clause?
This test reflects the most accommodationist approach toward the Establishment Clause
What is the coercion test?
This system, while it goes a long way to prevent tyranny, was never intended to protect against it
What are checks and balances?
Of disproportionate sentences, capital punishment, any punishment for status crimes or unreasonable prison and other confinement conditions the one which is NOT a violation of the 8th Amendment
What is capital punishment?
A lunar shadow
What is a penumbra?
This Amendment suggests that there are more liberties than those specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights
What is the Ninth Amendment?
This test is the most accommodationist approach toward the Free Exercise Clause
What is the strict scrutiny test?
Of a lifetime appointment, a presidential nomination, impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors or congressional control of judicial jurisdiction, the one which is not a constraint on federal judicial power
What is lifetime appointment?
Of public sidewalks, public parks, courthouse lawns or prisons, the one LEAST LIKELY to be considered a public forum.
What is prisons?
Rights found in the Bill of Rights that are fundamental and necessary to an ordered liberty are incorporated and apply against the states.
What is the selective incorporation doctrine?
A clause in this Amendment provides citizens with the right to a fair trial in federal cases
What is the fair trial clause of the Sixth Amendment?
This view of the view of the Establishment Clause would allow greater interplay between government and religion
What is the accommodationist view?
This is the name is given to certain forms of state legislation designed to protect news reporters from revealing the identity of their confidential news sources
What are reporter shield laws?
They are the final interpreters of state law
What are state high courts?
Broadcasting false information about a non-public figure, thereby resulting in damages to that person
What is slander?
The constitutional provision against cruel and unusual punishment is found in this Amendment
What is the Eight Amendment?
This test is typically is applied to governmental restrictions on fundamental rights
What is strict scrutiny test?
What the government must prove its policy to be under a strict scrutiny standard
What is that the policy is necessary to advance a compelling governmental interest?
Congress must provide the delegate agency with an intelligible principle from which to act in order for the agency to be deemed this
What is constitutional?
The term used to describe the idea that multiple points of view or forms of expression should compete against one another so that others may consider them
What is the marketplace of ideas?
This Amendment provides for eminent domain or, the ability of government to take private property for public use
What is the Fifth Amendment?
This standard of constitutional review is applied to race-based discrimination
What is strict scrutiny?
A person is considered to be in custody if this happens
What is a reasonable person would not feel free to leave?