Television and actresses
Midwifery History
Stony Brook Midwives
About Chris Kocis

This actress, directed and co produced "The Buisness of being born"

Who is Ricki Lake


This woman, known as the "Mother of Authentic Midwifery", is an author and has had a birth maneuver named after her.  

Who is Ina May Gaskin


Collectively how many midwives has Stony Brook employed to date?

What is 38


What year did Chris Kocis graduate from Midwifery School and who was the president of the United States during this time?

What is 1997 and Bill Clinton


What animals have more then one uterus?

What are marsupials 


Big Bang Theory actress, Jeopardy host and Scientist that gave birth at home. 

Who is Mayim Bialik


The earliest formal midwifery training program took place in the 17th century in this country

What is The Netherlands 


The Stony Brook Midwifery practice has three Certified Midwives on staff. Excluding NY and DC. Name 3 of the other 8 US states that recognize this credential.

What are Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Virginia 


Chris is most famous for saying this....

What is "So here is the deal"


This non denominational, liberal arts college located in Oneonta, NY was attended by our former director of the Stony Brook Midwifery practice who is now working part time.

What is Hartwick College 


In the series "Call the Midwife" character Jenny Lee changed careers. What was her new passion?

What is Palliative care at the Marie Curie Hospital 


What is the first US midwifery program to admit non-nurse prepared students to their university? 

What is SUNY Downstate 


Chris is famous for making what type of pie every year for all the midwives and for which holiday?

What is Peach Pie for Christmas 


What illegal extracurricular activity did Chris engage in to earn money while attending nursing school?

What is selling marijuana


This thriller film, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1974, was Chris's first "movie date", this ultimately resulted in her marriage to Mike Kocis

What is Jaws 


At the center of "Call the Midwife" is a nursing convent that is home to a dedicated group of nuns and lay midwives. What order do the sisters belong to?

What are Sisters of St Raymond Nonnatus 


Known as "the father of midwifery" this Scottish obstetrician was best known for describing birth maneuvers and was the first to teach OB and midwifery on a scientific basis.

Who is William Smellie



Chris and a few Stony Brook Midwives traveled to a country where Chris once spent a summer when she was a teen.

What is France 


Recorded in the Stony Brook Hospital, NY data bases, from 2001-2023, Chris Kocis has assisted with this many births? (to the closest 100th)

What is 1038


Since 1991, this month and date we celebrate International Day of the Midwife? hint: this date also shares a birthday with one of our midwives 

What is May 5 (Ann Visser)


Name this Netflix Series which stars a Midwife who leaves LA, California, travels to a new town for a fresh start after experiencing a perinatal loss 

What is Virgin River 


This Puritan midwife was the first person to be executed for witchcraft in Salem Massachusetts in 1648

Who is Margaret Jones 


The Stony Brook Midwives assisted with the most births in this year? This same year will remarkably remebered for what epic event? 

What is 2020 and COVID pandemic


In addition to writing for the school newspaper while in college, Chris also had time to play this sport?

What is Lacrosse 


Montevideo units are named for 2 physicians from which country?  Hint, Montevideo is its capital city.

What is Uruguay