What is a gigantic wave that is caused by an earthquake in the oceanic crust called?
What was the name of our final project we did in our groups?
Shark Tank
What kind of poem spells out a word going down and then has other words starting with that letter going across?
Acrostic Poem
Who worked for the king and queen?
Who was the book Small Steps about?
Peg Kehret
What are the 3 basic types of rocks?
Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic
What were the objects that represented the different group names during our game show?
Airplane, microscope, telephone, clock, radio, lightbulb
What are your five senses you use to write a five senses poem?
taste, touch, sound, smell, sight
What do knights do?
They are soldiers for the King that fight on horseback and on foot. They are sworn to protect the King and Queen.
What did Peg have that made her life difficult?
What are Earth's layers in order from inner most to outer most?
Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, Crust
What are 2 ways that the light bulb has improved our lives since it was invented?
Car headlights, seeing in the dark, staying up later, able to read at night, businesses can stay open longer, more job opportunities, technology for school, lighting up classrooms so teaching can happen all day, etc.
Give me 2 words that rhyme with side.
ride, collide, snide, slide, inside, beside, aside, tide, glide, pride, bride, divide, hide, etc
What animal spread diseases all around town during the Middle Ages?
What were some of her symptoms early on before she was diagnosed?
What are the 4 ways tectonic plates move?
Apart, Collide, Subduction, Sideways
Name 3 of the wedges you had to earn within your groups during our Eureka game show.
Collaboration, Research, Pitching, Knowledge, Documentation, Failure
What does alliteration mean?
the repetitiion of sounds at the beginning of several words in order or near each other (Bob baked brownies by the bay.)
What is the Bayeux tapestry?
It is an embroidered cloth that tells the story of the Norman Conquest.
What was the one treat she wanted while in the hospital but the nurse refused to give it to her?
Chocolate milkshake
What does a seismograph and a richter scale have in common?
They both are measuring the strength, magnitude, and epicenter of an earthquake.
Who are the 4 judges on Eureka the game show?
Thomas Edison, Jaques Cousteau, George Washington Carver, Hedy Lamarr,
Write two sentences where the last two words rhyme.
Answers may vary
Who was the extraordinary queen that Henry II married?
Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Who is the boy she met while going through her treatment at the hospital?