A sequence of events that repeats itself again and again
a cycle
The imaginary line that divides the Earth into north and south.
the equator
All living things pass through these stages from birth to adult.
a life cycle
What is a fertilized egg?
An egg that develops into a baby chick
What is precipitation?
Snow, sleet, hail, and rain
What is precipitation?
The result of our planet rotating.
daytime and nighttime
The Earth does this around the sun and it takes 365 days, and 1/4, to make its way around.
What are animals that carry pollen to and from plants?
What is the yolk (and/or the albumen)?
The food a baby chick eats before it hatches?
The food a baby chick eats before it hatches
What is humidity?
When there is a lot of water vapor in the air.
The time of day when our town is facing the sun.
The Hemisphere we live in.
Northern Hemisphere
What is it called when plants use sunlight to turn water and air into food?
What does it mean to replenish something?
It means to replace, restore, or refill.
What is condensation?
When water droplets are made water vapor.
The time of day when our town is not facing the sun.
The season when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and daylight hours decrease.
What happens when flowering plant begins its life cycle and starts to grow?
What is metamorphosis?
The process by which some young animals change form as they become adults.
What is evaporation?
The process by which a liquid changes into a gas.
The imaginary central line around which the earth rotates or spins.
The season when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and daylight hours increase.
What is it when seeds are spread apart in different directions?
seed dispersal
What is an amphibian?
An animal that can live on both land and in water.
Name 1 type of cloud
Cirrus, Cumulus, or Stratus