Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord
How does the Shema begin?
How many books are there in the New Testament?
Religion may be understood as a set of ... to make sense of the world or as a set of ... to honour God.
Beliefs; practices
Which power occupied Palestine in Jesus' day?
The Romans
In what context is the question-and-answer format creed used?
Baptismal liturgies
What is the name of the doorpost fixture holding the Shema?
Who wrote the Letter to the Hebrews?
We do not know
What dimension of religion relates to tangible artefacts?
Priest, prophet, and king
What are the three roles of the Messiah?
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Who are the persons of the Trinity?
What feast commemorates the Maccabean rededication of the Temple?
The Four Living Creatures
What does the Apocalypse call the beings surrounding the Throne of the Lamb?
If a text is metaphorical or symbolic, it is not ....
Which Jewish group in Jesus' day fled into the desert to found their own communities?
What is the literal meaning of Amen?
On this I stand; in this I trust
What dimension of religion is exemplified by kashrut?
What is the genre most closely connected to the Gospels?
Relating to how you should act
What is the ethical dimension of religion?
Shavuot corresponds to which Christian feast?
Worldwide, universal
What is the literal meaning of Catholic?
Antiochus Epiphanes
What was the name of the Syrian king against whom the Maccabees revolted?
What Old Testament genre is most closely connected to apocalyptic?
Family resemblance concept
What do we call concepts relating to phenomena with several overlapping features, but no single feature in common?
What year did King Herod the Great begin expanding the Jerusalem Temple?
19 BCE
When did the Council of Nicaea take place?
325 AD