Book (2)
Ch.1 - Daytime and Night-time
Book (2)
Ch.2 - The Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Book (3)
Ch.2 - Exploring our Community
Book (3)
Ch.3 - Loving our Community
Book (3)
Ch.4 - Fun in Country Parks

Fill in the blanks.

Most people work during the (i). ____________ and rest at (i). ____________.

(i). day

(ii). night


Fill in the blank.

The moon is in different _____________ on different days.



List two rules for using sports centres. 

- No eating or drinking.

- Leave the court when your time is up. 

- No endless shouting. 

- Do not destroy the property. 


Fill in the blank:

We should be ____________ to our neighbours. We should respect and be understanding towards each other.

- polite


What is the first thing we should pay attention to before going on an outing?

- The weather. 


Bats can fly safely at night.

Give 2 reasons why bats can do this. 

Bats have sharp hearing and they use echolocation (listening to reflected sounds to tell how far away objects are).

Some bats also have good eyesight.


What can be used to see how shadows change in a day?

This was also used to measure time in the past.



Choose the right facility for Mr. Josh.

Mr. Josh likes cooking. Where could he learn more about it?

Library/community centre


Fill in the blanks.

Many people in the (i). ______________  help us. They make our (ii). ______________ better.

(i). community

(ii). life/lives


Fill in the blanks.

We should pay attention to (i). _____________ on an outing. We should not walk away (ii). _____________.


(ii). alone


Nocturnal animals are active during the night-time.

(i). Give two examples of nocturnal animals.

(ii). Give two features of nocturnal animals.

(i). Owl/Leopard cat/Bat/Lynx

(ii). They have big and round eyes/good eyesight/a good sense of hearing/dark fur/sleep in the daytime


The sun rises and sets.

(i). When seen from Earth, where does the sun rise?

(ii). When seen from Earth, where does the sun set?

(i). The sun rises in the East.

(ii). The sun sets in the West.


Some communities have signs for people with different needs.

List 3 special needs signs that we may see in a community.

- Sign for people that are visually impaired

- Sign for breastfeeding woman/parents/babycare room

- Wheel chair users


Caretakers help us.

Give 3 examples of when we should communicate with caretakers. 

- When the lift is dirty.

- When neighbours are too noisy.

- When the corridor is dirty. 

- When greeting them. 


We should protect country parks.

List three ways how we can protect country parks. 

- No littering

- Do not disturb or hurt the animals. 

- Keep quiet to not disturb the people and animals in the area.

- Put out the fire after your barbeque. 

- Do not climb rocks or trees.

- Do not draw on the fences or rocks. 


There was an invention hat made our lives more convenient. It helps people do night-time activities.

(i). What was the invention?

(ii). Who improved it?

(i). Light bulb

(ii). Thomas Edison


On which lunar day does the moon appear to be the largest?

The moon appears to be largest on the 15th lunar day.


List three different facilities for people with special needs and explain how it helps them. 

- Accessible toilet: It has many handles and emergency bells. The sink and tap are also designed for disabled people to use.

- Babycare room: They have comfy chairs and sinks to help mothers feed their babies.

- Tactile guide path: Special materials are on the ground to guide visually impaired people to places.


List four ways how we can get along well with our neighbours. 

- Greet your neighbours.

- Share food with your nieghbours.

- Play with your neighbours.

- Have activities with your neighbors.


There are facilities in country parks. 

List 5 facilities that you can see in country parks. 

- Kiosk

- Map

- Visitor centre

- Map

- Information plate

- Emergency telephone/emergency helpline telephone

- Distance post

- Picnic site

- Pavilion 


List three features of daytime and night-time. 

(i). Daytime: (example: most children go to school)

(ii). Night-time: (example: the are more lights)

(i). Daytime: The sky is bright./There are more people outdoors./We can usually see the sun.

(ii). Night-time: We can usually see the moon and the stars./The sky is dark./Most people go to bed and rest.


The sky looks different when we are at different places. 

(i). Where can we see more stars in the sky? The countryside or city areas?

(ii). Based on your answer for the question above, why can we see more stars there? Give 3 reasons.

(i). We can see more stars in the countryside.

(ii). We can see more stars there because there are less lights from buildings/it is darker/there are less things blocking the sky/there is less pollution in the air.


(i). List the four different types of facilities we can see in a community.

(ii). Give two examples for each of these facilities.

(i). Transport/Leisure/Shopping/Emergency


Transport: bus stop/taxi stop/Macao Light Rapid Transit/Hong Kong MTR

Leisure: gym/swimming pool/library/park/football field

Emergency: hospital/police station/fire station

Shopping: wet market/shopping centre/convenience store/supermarket  


List three people in our community that:

Keep us safe:

Make our life convenient: 

Keep us safe:

firefighters/policemen/doctors/ambulance crew/nurse

Make our life convenient: 

postman/waiter/waitress/cleaner/driver/caretaker/shop assistant


What items should we bring on an outing. 

List 10.

- First-aid items

- Whistle

- Umbrella

- Food/snacks

- Water

- Torch

- Hat

- Mobile phone

- Compass

- Map

- Bug spray/mosquito repellant 

- Sunscreen

- An extra t-shirt to change