Central Lines
Peripheral IVs
Infection Prevention
True or False?
Your patient wants to shower with his newly placed central line, you should ...
What is wrap it up with clear plastic and tape ensuring that all edges of the dressing are sealed.

What should you do prior to initiating IV therapy? 

What is proper hand hygiene


All hubs for all lines should be scrubbed for at least this amount of time.

What is 5 seconds using Prevantics wipes or 15 seconds using alcohol wipes


It is acceptable to write on an IV bag with a felt-tip marker

What is False


If a patient has an allergy to tegaderm, this can be used instead.

Dry sterile dressing


Central lines placed require this before they can be used.

What is x-ray confirmation of placement and a physician order that it is okay to use.


Blood draws from a peripheral line are done where..

What is the ED when the IV is initially inserted


You walk into your pt's room and the IV tubing is not labeled and it is time to hang an antibiotic. You should ...

What is discard the unlabeled tubing and primary bag and use new tubing and bag ensuring the fresh set is labeled.


When assessing an implanted port site, you observe for edema, erythema, tenderness

What is True


This is the correct PPE that should be worn for changing end caps.

What is a mask and clean gloves.


What orders do you need to access a central venous port

What is an order to access the port and an order to draw blood from the port


All peripheral IV sites should be changed..

What is 72 hours


If gauze is in place on a central line dressing, the dressing must be changed within ________ hrs.

What is 24hrs.


When accessing an implanted venous port, the patient should always wear a mask if able?

What is TRUE


What is documented on the label on the occlusive dressing, on the IV site

What is date inserted and the initials of the nurse


TPN bags and tubings are changed how often

What is every 24 hours at 8pm


 When should you change an IV started under less than ideal circumstances

What is within 24 hours


A RN can remove what type of PICC line

What is non-tunneled


You can pre-mix your antibiotics at the start of your shift as long as you know that the order will not be dc'd. 

What is FALSE


Name 2 medications that should always run via a pump

What is chemotherapy, thrombolytics, high alert meds


Your patient has a dialysis catheter and you noticed that the dressing is bloody. As the primary nurse you should...

What is notify the dialysis unit of the condition of the dressing, reinforce the dressing, do not remove it


What type of dressing should you have on an IV site

What is clean, dry and occlusive


Your patient has an allergy to CHG. This should be used to clean the site of the central line instead of CHG.

What is sterile alcohol swabs or povidone-iodine swabs.


You always need to total your continuous IV fluids at the end of your shift

What is TRUE


Tubing and bags for insulin drips should be changed every _________ hours. Why?

What is every 24hrs because after 24hrs the insulin will begin to adhere to the tubing.