SEF's, What Are these?
Can I Get ALL the Additional & Optional Coverages
It Was NOT my Fault!
Fire, Explosion, OH MY!
You would not believe what happened to me!

What coverage is excluded with SEF 13h?



I just got phished! What coverage would respond?

Identity Theft


Omg Queenie got out and bite the neighbor right in the you know what! What coverage responds?

Legal Liability


My neighbor is telling me that my tree that hangs over my back fence scratched their car when they drove down the back alley, what coverage would respond?

Home - Liability


I was parked at a restaurant and a BBQ fell on top of my Tesla, what coverage responds to this?



What is the difference between SEF 19 & 19A?

SEF 19 caps payout to agreed amount & SEF 19a is the agreed value that requires photos and possible an appraisal


My dad is going into the old folks home, is there coverage on my home policy?

ECO & TRA includes this coverage under their wordings

INT it is an endorsement Resident Health Care Facility Coverage which is an additional premium of $10


I was mowing my lawn and hit a dog bone, it took flight and went through my neighbors window, what is this covered under?

Volunteer Property Damage


I am volunteering with condo board as a board member and they were talking at the last meeting that I need special insurance coverage to be a volunteer, what coverage do I need? 

Umbrella - Acts or omissions as an officer or member of the board of directors of a non-profit organization or non-profit corporation 


I was on a road trip in BC and there was a rockslide and I hit a rock? What coverage responds?

Collision or Comp? At Fault or not?


What does it mean when a SEF 40 is on a vehicle?

If there is a complete theft or fire of the vehicle the deductible is no longer waived


This coverage responds when I need to upgrade during a claim, due to building codes.

By-Laws Coverage


I just replaced my shingles and I was using my garbage truck to take the old shingles to the dump, I didn't really tie them down very well and one flew off and stuck in the windshield of the guy behind me! He had to chase me down because I didn't know it happened! What do I do? Is there coverage?

This would be an at fault liability claim under my auto policy, should I not pay it out of pocket? Or should I use my SEF 39?


I have a rental property that a tenant was just moving out of, which I was going to renovate and update items in the property. The tenant moved out and there cat waste everywhere! Ground right into the flooring! Is there coverage for this under my comp rented dwelling policy? 

This claim would be declined; loss or damage caused by animals owned by or in the care, custody or control of you or your tenant; 


I was trying to sell my car and I was meeting them at the mall. My friend came with me in my new car so we could get home if they bought it. Well they tried to steal it! We chased them and we were speeding through the city and it was getting dangerous so we rear ended them and now my new car won't run! I need to start a new claim because this is NOT my fault! PS I have reported it to the police. What coverage would respond? And would this be a not at fault claim?

As they were in motion it would be a collision claim and it would be an at fault claim even if it is his own vehicle


Clams Advantage is offered by Intact Insurance, what does this include?

Waiver of Deductible for Total Loss

Waiver of Deductible for Hit & Run with Damage in Excess of $1000 


I am a hoarder and I need to have a storage unit to hold ALL of my valuable possessions, do I have coverage?

Only for 30 days


My kids were jumping on my bed where I had candles going on the night stand and started on fire! The fire department was called and the apartment building was evacuated! The landlord is really mad and says I am in trouble! What policy would respond and what coverage?

Tenant & Liability


I asked my daughter to bring up the fake Christmas tree from downstairs and help set it up, she dragged it across my hardwood flooring and now there are scratches all over it! Am I covered for this? 

Yes as the act was not intentional there would be coverage


I was driving on the highway and a deer jumped out in front of me, I swerved to miss the deer and hit the light post which then landed on top of my car! This is an act of god and not my fault? Right?

This would be a at fault collision claim; interesting fact if they had of hit the deer it would be a not at fault comp claim!


What is the CAE 18 offered by Intact Insurance

This is an SEF the INSURED can add to their vehicle to remove hail coverage


This coverage will cover any similar additional  losses for the following 168 hours after the first initial loss



I got this great opportunity to volunteer on a Taylor Swift tour as a road hand in Europe! When I was setting up the stage I dropped a hammer while up above Taylor! It landed on her foot and broke it! Her lawyer has served me with papers, please please tell me I have coverage under my home insurance policy! What coverage would respond? 



There was a massive hail storm last night and the south and west side of my home rec'd hail damage on my vinyl siding, there was siding contractor driving around doing quotes for everyone and he quoted to replace ALL of my white siding, I need to start a claim and submit this quote so they can get started right away! Will the insurance company give the Insured as full wrap and replace ALL the siding?

This claim would be covered under a comp & broad form home insurance policy, however the insurance companies no longer offer a full wrap or replacement of ALL the siding. They will only replace what is damage, even if the new siding does not match the old siding. 


I own a acreage that has 12 acres with lots of trees so I own a ATV to drive around on my land only, to remove fallen trees and really just maintain my land and remove snow. I have never insured it on my auto policy or registered it, as it never leaves my land! Is there coverage? and from which policy? And how far does it extend?

None - any self-propelled land vehicle, amphibious vehicle or air cushion vehicle, provided that the vehicle is not subject to motor vehicle registration and is designed primarily for use off public roads; provided that the motorized vehicle or watercraft is not owned by any person insured by this policy.