This 3 word phrase most commonly said to adjusters
What is Per Standard Work
Claim Processor Manager
Who is Jennifer Gildee
You receive the following email:
You have won a starbucks gift card, please click the link below to obtain your reward.
What is a phishing email
This processor most commonly known for their whit and references often speaks in gifs
Who is Garrett
The number of dogs Jennifer has
What is 4
This condition is the reason Garrett has to leave in office days for his dog
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Claims Operations Manager
Who is Renee Giordano
The quality of life perk recently revoked from processors
What is compressed scheduling
This processor is most commonly willing to help with others work load
Who is Azalia
This claims department is where she used to work
What is UR casualty
The reason Garrett cant find a man
What is he dont need a man
Senior Claims Manager
Who is Nestor Luzardo
This task is the most beloved of the four for its simplicity and easy closure time
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The processor most likely to emoji your message in team chat
Who is Shaunna
This recent big purchase marking an exciting change
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Some must strive to obtain the quality of a leader. Others are simply born with it. What is the gift Garrett was born with
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Manager of Claims Field Operations
Who is Sejung Kim
Processors on the team are currently assisting these two different claims groups with pilot programs
What is Business Line and SIU
This processor was the most recent to leave the team for another role in the company.
Who is Mark
Jennifers dog named after a legendary descendant of the Trojan hero Aeneas and the Ohio State's mascot
Who is Brutus
The specific conflict in Garrett's new apartment
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Chief Claims Office
Who is Michael Fiato
This floor is where the team now sits
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These three processor are part of the Gildee Fun crew
Who is Garrett, Christina, and Q
What is Pizza and Applesauce