How are clams and scallops both mollusks?
Because they both have soft bodies
In the passage what did they compare the clam neck to?
Where do the scallops lie in the ocean?
They lie on the bottom of the ocean
Where is the first domed stadium located,
Answer Houston
How big is the largest clam,
137 centimeters (4 ft 6 in),
How do both clams and scallops feed?
Bye straining our tiny plants and animals as their food
How do clams defend themselves?
Answer digging under the ground to get away
What is the way that scallops use self-defense?
Their way of self-defense is by swinging superfast away
What is the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise
Answer porpoises have a stubbier nose than a dolphin and dolphins are slightly larger than Porpoise.
what was the biggest pearl ever made,
15.5 inches by 9 inches by 8.25 inches
How are Clams and scallops popular for prey
Because of all the other predators
What would happen at two exam if it laid on the ocean floor in the opening?
Get eaten
What part of the scallop's body pokes out of the sand?
Their Shell sand eye pops out of the sand
How long did it take the people to build the Astrodome Stadium
one year
What color eyes do scallops have?
Answer blue
How are the scallops and clams alike
Any answer
How do clams eat?
Answer They strain pieces of food out of the water
How do the scallops move so fast
They move fast by jetting water out
This is a sea creatures can lay eggs and goes back to where they are born?
female turtle
Scallops Get themselves to get away from their prey?
They get away by using their jetting.
How are the scallops and clams alike when it comes to protecting them selfs
What are some predators of the Clam?
Starfish, Carnivorous snails, and crabs
How can you get fooled by scallops?
You can fool them because they bonded in with the sand
what was the biggest pearl ever made
The Giga Pearl
Scallops are super small, so does it help them move?
It moves faster