What must parents sign for students to receive a Chromebook?
What is a Technology Agreement?
What is the name of the weekly newsletter sent by Mrs. Cureton?
What is Cougar Tracks?
What time should attendance be taken?
What is 9:30?
What time do morning meetings start each day?
What is 7:50?
How many daily grades should you have per week?
What is one per week?
Where must all Chromebooks stay when not in use?
What is a charger in the building?
How often should staff check their emails for important information?
What is daily?
How often should leadership notebooks be updated?
What is weekly?
What is the purpose of the PLC meetings?
What is improving instructional practices, collaborative time to look at needs and data, growth opportunities, and much more!
How often do progress reports go home?
Every 3 weeks
How can students charge their Chromebooks daily?
What is a charging station?
Where can you find the link to the Clarkston Hub?
What is the bottom of the Cougar Tracks email?
Where should K-2 use the copier?
What is the downstairs literacy library?
When do faculty learning sessions take place?
What is Thursday?
Who prints the report cards and progress reports?
What is the front office?
What feature do the Chromebooks have that enhances usability?
What is VDI?
How many days a week will you have morning duty?
What is once?
What is the role of the LIM Team?
What is representatives and think tank for all things Leader in Me?
What is the policy on failing grades on a report card?
No failing grades on the report card unless the parent has already been notified ahead of time.
Name 3 technology programs you have access to?
Answer will vary
What is the purpose of the Library Smore?
What is give you important information about educational technology available to you and events in the library?
When is the only time a student should ride the elevator?
Mobility issues or recycle leader
What is a SST?
What is meeting with AP and SST committee each nine weeks to discuss students’ progress, academic concerns, etc
Who can help you with finalizing grades?
What is a teammate or MTS?