Greg Haffley is the unpopular protagonist of this popular book series.
What is The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series?
This is the hottest part of planet Earth.
What is the inner core?
This dialect is spoken primarily by Mennonite and Amish residents.
What is Pennsylvania Dutch?
This parallelogram has 4 sides of equal length and no right angles.
What is a rhombus?
This "First American" is known for bi-focal glasses, The Farmer's Almanac, and the US Postal service, to name a few
Who is Ben Franklin?
This famous literary monster is often incorrectly called by the name of his creator.
Who is Frankenstein?
This is the name for lava while it is still within the volcano.
What is magma?
Home to Martin's, Snyder's, Utz's, and Herr's, this PA town is unofficially nicknamed "the snack food capital of the world."
What is Hanover (PA)?
This is the point of intersection between two or more rays.
What is a vertex?
This iconic symbol of independence was originally placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House, now known as Independence Hall.
What is The Liberty Bell?
Iconic detective Sherlock Homes focuses his mind by playing this stringed instrument.
What is the violin?
This is the most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere.
What is nitrogen?
In 1979, this famous nuclear accident occurred on this PA island.
What is Three Mile Island?
M.C. Escher is famed for his mathematically inspired art, most commonly based on these tile-like shapes that do not leave any space or create overlaps.
What are tessellations?
This Egyptian canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, dividing Africa and Asia.
What is the Suez Canal?
This George Orwell allegory includes livestock named for Cold War historical figures.
What is Animal Farm?
This natural optical phenomenon occurs when a source of light strikes water droplets.
What is a rainbow?
Boathouse Row, the home of many local crew boats, is situated along this river that runs through Philadelphia.
What is the Schuylkill River?
This formula is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry between the three sides of a right triangle.
What is the Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem?
From the second century BCE until the mid-15th century, this network of trade routes connected China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe.
What is the Silk Road?
The Disney movie The Lion King is a remake of this Shakespeare tragedy.
What is Hamlet?
This region of the Earth's stratosphere absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation.
What is the ozone layer?
Located in Southwest PA, Fallingwater is one of the well-known homes designed this famous architect.
Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?
Euclid, the ancient Greek mathematician, is known primarily for his highly influential treatise on this branch of math.
What is Geometry?
In 1773, the Sons of Liberty refused to pay British taxes in this political protest.
What is the Boston Tea Party?