Who Said It?
History of Education
Key Phrases
Latin Phrases
Virtuous Living

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."

Who is Aristotle?


Boethius split the seven liberal arts (grammar, logic, rhetoric, astronomy, music, geometry, arithmetic) into these 2 categories. 

What is the Trivium and Quadrivium?


Every class is a __________ class!

What is Bible?


As a common phrase meaning, "in place of the parent" is used to understand that the school is serving the parents in their God-given role to instruct their children.

What is In Loco Parentis?


When we have a disagreement with our brethren, we use this principle found in ____________ 18.

What is Matthew?


"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil."

Who is C.S. Lewis?


Philosophers Rousseau, Hegel, Dewey, and Piaget helped bring about modern education that is child-centered rather than Christ-centered and relative rather than grounded in objective truth, beauty, and __________.

What is goodness?


When responding to the question, to what are we pointing students, classical educators often respond with these three words.

What are the True, The Good, and the Beautiful?


This latin phrase meaning "much not many" describes the desire to explore knowledge more deeply than widely.

What is multum non multa?


These are known as the 4 cardinal "hinge" virtues identified by Plato in 375 BC.

What are 

Justice Prudence Fortitude Temperance?


"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another." 

Who is G.K. Chesterton?


Mortimer Adler co-founded the Great _______ Society in an effort to return to a more classical education.

What is Books?


Another term interchangeable with Logic School is ______.

What is dialectic?


"In Omnia Paratus" is Latin for this goal we have for each student.

What is "Prepared for All Things?"


Thomas Aquinas and Augustine of Hippo emphasized these 3 theological virtues listed in 1 Corinthians 13. 

What are 

Faith Hope Love?


"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."

Who is Aristotle?


In 1947 this woman presented an essay titled, The Lost Tools of Learning challenging her audience to return to the trivium of classical education.

Who is Dorothy Sayers?


The ancient writing process that trains students through imitation of various writing forms and techniques.

What is progymnasmata?


This ancient Greek word meaning "the culture of a society" is used to convey the passing of a way of life rather than simply skills and information.

What is paideia?


"The end of learning is to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright, and out of that knowledge to love him, to be like him."

Who is John Milton


Plato's founding of this school in Athens, Greece in 385 B.C. was instrumental in the formation of educational ideals of classical education today.

What is The Academy?


The time-tested foundational works of influential thought and history that are formational to western society.

What is The Western Canon?


In classical education, we prefer original sources over textbooks or commentaries when possible.  This phrase means "to the sources."

What is ad fontes?