Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
What does IDEA stand for?
What percentage of children with disabilities received special education in 1948?
Free Appropriate Public Education
What does FAPE stand for?
The 14th Amendment
What amendment was used in Brown v. Board of Education to argue against discrimination?
How often must an IEP be reviewed and updated?
To ensure students with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
What is the main purpose of IDEA?
Brown v. Board of Education
What major civil rights case set a precedent for disability rights in education?
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
What principle ensures that students are educated in the general classroom when possible?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973)
What law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in federally funded programs?
Parents, educators, special education professionals, and sometimes the student
Who is required to be involved in the development of an IEP?
In what year was IDEA first enacted?
What decade saw parents advocating for better education for children with disabilities?
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
What document outlines a student's educational goals and required services?
This landmark case set a precedent for using the 14th Amendment to argue against discrimination in education.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
60 calendar days
How long does a school have to conduct an evaluation after parental consent?
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)
What law did IDEA replace?
It established federal safeguards for students with disabilities, ensuring access to education.
What was the significance of Public Law 94-142?
Procedural Safeguards
What principle protects parents' and students' rights during the special education process?
It laid the foundation for IDEA, ensuring children with disabilities had access to public education.
What is the significance of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)?
If parents disagree with a school’s evaluation of their child, they have the right to request an independent assessment at no cost.
What is an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)?
FAPE, Appropriate Evaluation, IEP, LRE, Parent & Student Participation, Procedural Safeguards
What are the six core principles of IDEA?
IDEA emphasizes individualized education and extends beyond school to transition planning.
What is the primary difference between EHA and IDEA?
To determine a student's eligibility for services and educational needs without discrimination
What is the purpose of an appropriate evaluation under IDEA?
This law, passed in 1973, prevents discrimination against individuals with disabilities in federally funded programs.
What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?
Services designed to help students with disabilities transition from school to post-secondary life (work, college, etc.).
What are transition services in an IEP?