L.H. U.3
L.H. U.3
L.H. U.2 & OT
L.H. U.2 & OT
L.H. U.5 & OT
L.H. U.5 & OT

This group of people comes to watch the play at the theatre.



Ivy Baker took on the role of a _____ in the play. She planned the terrible crimes and was sent to prison in the end.



Rachel can climb up a 20-storey building without any equipment. She ______.

climbs like a monkey


Miss Wong is not sacred of lying on a bed of nails. She is ____.

as brave as a lion

Nicole always worries that bad things may happen. She is a ____ person.


Mrs Grimwig is a _____ man. He gets angry easily and has bad-temper.



Fill in the blanks:

When we arrived at the theatre, we were late. We hurried down the __(1)__ to search for our seats. The ___(2)___ saw us and led us to the seats.

As the bright, red __(3)___ were pulled open, the play started. The ___(4)____ showed a city and night and some actors gradually came out.

1. aisle

2. usher

3. curtains

4. backdrop


I want to sit in the ___(1)___ and watch the play from up above.

2. It is the background used for representing buildings or land features.

3. This tool is used to direct a beam of light at a person or an object.

1. balcony

2. a cut-out

3. a spotlight


1. For this feat, I have to perform it with other people. Some of us need to stand on others' shoulders. We have to support each other firmly.

2. For this feat, I have to be courageous as I need to walk through a fire pit.

1. building a human pyramid

2. fire-walking


1. For this feat, I have to perform it with small flat blocks. I put them one on top of another. I can make a pile of blocks as tall as a man!

2. For this feat, I have to maintain good balance on a thin rope. The area that I can put my feet on is very narrow!

1. stacking dominoes

2. walking on a tightrope

Rose Maylie is a __(1)___ woman because she always thinks carefully and plans carefully before he acts.

Fagin is a __(2)__ man because he does things suddenly without thinking too much.

1. cautious

2. impulsive


Mr Brownlow is an __(1)__ person. He enjoys meeting new friends and spending time with other people. Nancy is an ___(2)___ person becuase he likes to read books herself and she is quiet most of the time. Rose is very __(3)___ because she seldom talks about her abilities or show off about them.

1. extroverted

2. introverted

3. humble


go after / go against / look after / look for / take on / take over

The prince saw a strange shadow moving behind a tree. He ___(1)___ the shadow quietly. As he got closer, he saw that the shadow was a fierce monster!

The prince decided to __(2)___ the monster himself using his sword. To his surprise, he beat the monster easily.

1. went after

2. take on


go after / go against / look after / look for / take on / take over

The powerful monster has always wanted to __(1)___ the prince's throne and rule the kingdom. No one was willing to __(2)__ him because he looked horrible.

1. take over

2. go against


1. Peter can roll a giant rock up a hill! He is ________.

2. She can eat a lot of food at a buffet dinner. She ____.

3. You have to complete this feat by completing consecutive bounces.

1. as strong as an ox

2. eats like a horse

3. jumping on a pogo stick


1. She can solve Rubik's cube in just one minute. She is ____.

2. Kelly has performed at concerts in forty countries. She ____.

3. For this feat, you usually do it with small balls. You need to be very skilful to keep them in the air.

1. as fast as lightning

2. sings like an angel

3. juggling


1. She can solve Rubik's cube in just one minute. She is ____.

2. Kelly has performed at concerts in forty countries. She ____.

3. For this feat, you usually do it with small balls. You need to be very skilful to keep them in the air.

1. as fast as lightning

2. sings like an angel

3. juggling


Bill is sometimes __(1)__. When he has done something well, he can become too proud of himself.

In my ___(2)___, I was an active ___(3)___ because I always go out with my friends and went on my first camping trip at the age of fourteen.

1. arrogant

2. adolescence

3. teenager


Vocabulary & meanings:

1. _______: extremely exciting

2. _______: a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen

3. _______: having an empty space inside

1. thrilling

2. anticipation

3. hollow


Vocabulary & meanings:

1. _______: to defeat somebody

2: _______: highly praised by the public

3. _______: be able to think, understand and learn quickly

1. triumph

2. acclaimed

3. intelligent


Vocabulary & meanings:

1. _______: the desire to learn about something

2. _______: very interesting because it is unusual or strange

3. _______: following one after another, without stopping

1. curiosity

2. intriguing

3. consecutive


Vocabulary & meanings:

1. ______: a person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcast them on radio or television

2. ______: once every year

3. ______: extremely or unusually good, even difficult to believe

1. journalist

2. annually

3. incredible


Vocabulary & meanings:

1. ______: a problem or difficulty that causes a short delay

2.  ______: good at expressing one’s ideas using spoken language

3. ______: an unlucky situation or event

1. hitch

2. eloquent

3. misfortune


Vocabulary & meanings:

1. ______: to make something known to somebody; to show

2. ______: having a firm decision of doing something

3. ______: having or showing the mental and emotional qualities of an adult

1. reveal

2. determined

3. mature


go after / go against / look after / look for / take on / take over

The wicked wizard threatened the king. The king was scared and did not ___(1)___ the wizard's command. The wizard ____(2)____ the kingdom. The king worried about his people and became very ill. The queen ____(3)____ him patiently.

1. go against

2. took over

3. looked after


go after / go against / look after / look for / take on / take over

The prince decided to help his father get back the kingdom. He went to Hero's Cliff to __(1)__ the golden sword - the only weapon that could defeat the wizard. The prince ___(2)___ the wizard and into the woods. He ___(3)___ the wizard using the golden sword. In the end, the prince won and got back the kingdom.

William ___(4)___ his job as a security guard last year.

1. look for

2. went after

3. took on

4. took on


Why did Sikes kill his dog? What did he decide to do?

He thought people might know who he was more easily because of the dog.

He decided to drop the dog into a river and kill it by tying a heavy stone round the dog's neck.

What was Monks's plan for Oliver?

He [wanted Fagin to make Oliver a thief] [so that the police would catch him] and [send him to prison.]


Why was Oliver able to be freed from stealing?

It was because Mr Brownlow was taken to the magistrate's room for taking away a book without paying for it.


What did Nancy tell the people in the street about Oliver?

She told them that Oliver was [her brother], [he ran away from his parents a month ago] and [joined a gang of thieves.]