Ṣarf Concepts
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This Arabic verbal tense adds letters only to the end of a verb, never the beginning.

What is the māḍī?


This is the Arabic term for: Feminine

What is: مؤنث ?


This is the English translation of: حَتَّى يَرْفَعَا.

What is: Until they both (M) raise?


This is the Arabic translation of: He will never go.

What is: لَنْ يَذْهَبَ ?


This is the year in which al-Imām Mālik passed away.

What is 179 AH?


This muḍāriʿ conjugation is always identical to the هي conjugation.

What is أنتَ?


This is the Arabic term for: Root letter

What is: جذر ?


This is the English translation of: لَنْ تَشْكُرْنَ.

What is: You all (F) will never thank?


This is the Arabic translation of: Until you (F) seek.

What is: حَتَّى تَطْلُبِي ?


These are the obligatory acts of wuḍūʾ.

What are: 1) Washing the face, 2) washing the arms until the elbows, 3) wiping 1/4 of the head, and 4) washing the feet until the ankles?


This muḍāriʿ conjugation is absolutely unique — it's ending is not similar or identical to any other conjugation in the muḍāriʿ chart.

What is أنتِ?


This is the Arabic term for: First Person

What is: متكلم ?


This is the English translation of: لَنْ يَمْلِكُوْا بَيْتَ أَهْلِي.

What is: They all (M) will never own my family's house?


This is the Arabic translation of: You (M) are returning in order to thank your teacher.

What is: تَرْجِعُ لِكَيْ تَشْكُرَ أُسْتَاذَكَ ?


These are the 3 sources of knowledge.

What are: 1) The 5 senses, 2) The intellect, and 3) Divine Revelation?


These are the 3 states (iʿrāb) that a fiʿl muḍāriʿ can experience.

What is 1) rafʿ, 2) naṣb, and 3) jazm?


This is the Arabic term for: Detached Pronoun

What is: ضمير منفصل ?


This is the English translation of: أَعْمَلُ حَتَّى تَدْخُلِي المَدْرَسَةَ.

What is: I am working until you (F) enter the school?


This is the Arabic translation of: She began to study the Arabic language.

What is: بَدَأَتْ أَنْ تَدْرُسَ اللُغَةَ العَرَبِيَّةَ ?


This is the ruling for being in a state of wuḍūʾ when performing ṭawāf of the Kaʿbah.

What is wājib?


These are the 3 categories in which all muḍāriʿ verbs can be categorized.

What is 1) ends with a root letter, 2) ends with a letter plus a nūn, and 3) feminine plurals?


This is the Arabic term for: Verbal Sentence

What is: جملة فعلية ?


This is the English translation of: نَصَحْتَهُ لِكَيْ تَنْصُرَهُ.

What is: You (M) advised him in order to help him?


This is the Arabic translation of: You both are studying Islam in order to worship Allah.

What is: تَدْرُسَانِ الإِسْلَامَ لِكَيْ تَعْبُدَا اللهَ ?


These are the 8 topics that fall under a ḥadīth collection entitled "al-Jāmiʿ."

What are: 1) ʿAqāʾid, 2) Aḥkām, 3) Siyar, 4) Ādāb, 5) Tafsīr, 6) Fitan, 7) Ashrāṭ al-Sāʾah, and 8) Manāqib?