This 934 student loves to draw in his spare time.
Who is Mack
This student is fairly new to our classroom.
He/She loves playing the guitar.
Who is Mr. Baglivi
This is where the computers and laptops are stored.
Where is the Back of the Room
He/she is the youngest in the classroom.
Who is Daijah
This 934 student spent time in another 4th grade class for part the school year.
Who is Adam
This student comes to school with crafts and cosmetics.
Who is Lavender
He/She assists Xavier daily.
Who is Ms. Narouz
This is the Center we used for adding, subtraction, and number sin general.
Where is the math center
This is the subject majority of students struggle in.
What is Reading
This student last name starts with the letter F.
Who is Reuben
This student is the tallest of the girls.
Who is Lavender
He/She is your youngest educator.
Who is Mr. Gomez
We use this to display our work onto the Smartboard.
What is Elmo.
This was our 4th period on Thursday
What is Dance
This student has fallen asleep on lessons in class.
Who is Kevin
This student loves to eat hot takis in the morning.
Who is Breanna
He/she helps the 4th graders the most.
Who is Ms. Boxill
They make up the group of individuals with the most numbers in the classroom.
Our last door represented which month celebration?
What is Black History Month
This student is never alone where ever he goes in the building.
Who is Xavier
This student has a younger sister in the school building.
Who is Schlanaschly
He/she loves plaid shirts.
Who is Mr. Baglivi
This is the number on our room door.
What is 408
He/she has the highest attendance in the classroom.
Who is Elijah