who were the first disciples jesus called?
peter (simon) and andrew
what was the first miracles jesus preformed?
water to wine (at the wedding)
How many books are in the old testament, according to the protestant bible?
Who were the first people to see jesus alive (resurrected from the dead?
a. mary the mother of jesus
b. mary magdalene
c. mary of bethany
mary magdalene
as a shepherd, david protected his flock from two dangerous animals. which ones?
A) snake and camel
B) bear and lion
C) snake and wolf
D) bear and scorpion
B) bear and lion
who is the only disciple said to die from natural causes?
what is considered to be the most well-known miracle jesus performed?
his own resurrection!
what is the shortest book of the bible by word count?
3 john
what proper noun is used most frequently in the bible?
a. lord
b. sin
c. man
Lord or God
who was the last desciple to die?
a. john
b. peter
c. thaddeus
how many pieces of silver did judas trade for jesus?
30 pieces of silver
which one of the disciples' mother-in-law did jesus heal?
what is the most read book of the bible?
how many human couples entered noah's ark?
A) 4 couples
B) 1 couple
C) 6 couples
D) 3 couples
A) 4 couples
who was lazarus in relation to jesus?
a. friend to jesus
b. cousin to jesus
c. stranger to jesus
friend to jesus
what is thaddeus' other name?
above 5,000
who wrote the book of ruth according to jewish tradition?
the prophet samuel
what is the name of the oldest person mentioned in the bible?
A) enosh, lived 905 years
B) noah, lived 990 years
C) methuselah, lived 969 years
D) esmasu, lived 859 years
C) methuselah, lived 969 years
which of these did not have their name changed in the Bible?
A) sarah
B) abraham
C) jacob
D) david
E) peter
D) david
which disciple was cut in half?
peter (simon)
the account of jesus walking on water is recorded in which three books of the bible?
Matthew, Mark and John
which phrase is repeated 365 times in the bible?
what is the original meaning of the word 'Bible'?
A) Bible is the plural of 'biblos' from the Greek and means books
B) Bible means 'written word' in Hebrew
C) Bible was the Hebrew name for the tablets of the 10 Commandments
D) Bible is a tribute to the first translators, who were called 'Biblians'
A) Bible is the plural of 'biblos' from the Greek and means books
in which books of the bible is the story of jesus' birth told?
A) John and Mark
B) Mark and Matthew
C) Luke and John
D) Matthew and Luke
D) Matthew and luke