Classroom Rules
Assignment Guidelines
Behavior Expectations
Materials and Supplies
Emergency Procedures
This is expected before you ask a question or get up to move around the room.

What is raise your hand and get permission from the teacher?


This is where assignments can be found.

What is Canvas on the agenda?


This behavior is expected when someone else is talking.

What is to be respectful, not interrupt, and listen actively?


These are the basic items you should have with you every day.

What are pencils, your agenda, and a charged computer?


This is the first thing you should do during a fire drill.

What is calmly and quietly make your way to the exit and line up outside?


This item should be turned off and left in your locker or at home during class.

What is your phone?


Assignments should be submitted on this day of the week.

What is by the 11:59pm on the due date?


This is the appropriate way to handle disagreements with classmates.

What is to discuss the issue calmly or seek mediation from a teacher Ms. Jones?


This should be done if you are missing any required materials.

What is ask a classmate to borrow or Ms. Jones if it is the first day of the school week?


During a lockdown drill, you should do this.

What is quietly move to a safe area and remain there silently until Ms. Jones gives the all clear?


This is the first thing you should do when you arrive in class.

What is get your book and notebook ready and start independent reading?


This is how you should format your assignment for clear grading.

What is your name, date, and assignment title on the top?


You should do this if you are feeling frustrated or upset in class.

What is ask for a break or speak to the teacher?


You should use this method to keep track of all your assignments and due dates.

What is your agenda?


This is where you should go in case of a tornado drill.

What is the hallway?


This is the expected behavior when the teacher or a classmate is speaking.

What is to listen actively?


If you are absent and miss a homework assignment, you should do this.

What is check Canvas or meet with Ms. Jones to get caught up?


While using classroom computers, this behavior is expected.

What is to use them only for school-related activities?


This is what you should do if you need to sharpen your pencil. 

Raise your hand for permission to get out of your seat. Then quietly go directly to the pencil sharpener, sharpen your pencil, and return to your seat. 


If there’s a medical emergency in the classroom, you should do this.

What is to stay calm and follow Ms. Jones' instructions?


These are the 5 things we will focus on learning this year.

What are reading, writing, journaling, grammar, and vocabulary. 


If you need extra help with your homework, you should do this.

What is ask for help?


If you need to leave the room during class, you should do this.

What is get permission and sign out using SmartPass?


This is how you check books in and out from the class library.

Choose a book, enjoy the book, then return the book to the correct section of the library. 


This is how you should behave during an emergency drill.

What is stay calm and follow Ms. Jones' instructions?