Small Groups
Independent Work
Advocating For Yourself

How can you let Ms. Laffey know that you want to share something with the class or ask a question?

Raise hand, raise a digital hand, comment in the chat, give me a signal


What is a respectful way to agree or disagree with someone?

I respectfully agree, I respectfully disagree, I agree with... because..., I disagree with... because...


Ms. Laffey put everyone in breakout rooms to work on their book club work together. What should students be doing during this time?

Working together on their book club work and talking together as well. 


It is 8:45 in the morning and we are waiting for everyone to log on to our meeting. What should you be working on?

SEL check-in, anything it says to work on on the first slide. 


If you have a question, what should you do? 

Raise your hand, ask in the chat, ask a group member, message Ms. Laffey


Anthony wants to ask a question, but he does not want to turn his camera on. What can he do?

He can raise a virtual hand or write something in the chat.


Someone in class is typing a bunch of random things in the chat, what should you do?

Ask them politely to stop, point it out to Ms. Laffey


In Tristan's small group, there is one group member who has their camera off, is not saying anything out loud or in the chat. What should Tristan's group do?

Try to get the students attention by calling their name or typing in the chat, letting Ms. Laffey know

We have some time to work on our journal prompt for the day. What should you do if you do not finish your writing assignment?

Let Ms. Laffey know, finish it later in the day or after school. 


If someone in your group is not being kind, what should you do?

Talk to them respectfully or tell Ms. Laffey


Max M. wants to ask a question, but his camera and microphone are not working. What should he do?

Type in the chat or unmute


While our class is in specials, there was a classmate being disrespectful to another classmate or teacher. Ms. Laffey is not there to help. What can you do?

Tell the specials teacher, message Ms. Laffey, ask the student to stop what they are doing in the chat


Sophia is in a group that is not working together when they should be. What can Sophia do?

Sophia can ask her group nicely to stay focused. If that does not work, she can ask Ms. Laffey for help. 


What should you do with your slides at the end of the day? (There are two parts in this answer)

You should make sure that ALL your work is complete, and then turn in your slides


If you are not sure what you are supposed to be working on, what can you do?

Check your slides, listen to the audio directions, ask your classmates, ask in the chat, message Ms. Laffey, raise your hand and ask


Ms. Laffey wants to know if everyone is ready to move on, but Freya does not feel like showing her face on camera at the moment. What can she do?

Turn the camera to the ceiling, raise a digital hand, unmute and give a verbal signal, say something in the chat


While we are having a class discussion, a guest disagrees with something Ms. Laffey said. The guest says "Ms. Laffey that's not right. The correct answer is ..." How could the guest have said this in a more respectful way?

Ms. Laffey, I respectfully disagree. I think it is actually... 


Ms. Laffey put everyone in breakout rooms to work independently on their writing assignment. What should small groups look like, sound like, and feel like? 

Students should be working quietly on their own, the only sound should be students asking if they have questions, students should feel comfortable working and asking questions


When you are taking a math test, who should you be working with?

TRICK QUESTION! It is a test, you do not work with anyone :)


If you are stuck on a question on the math test, what should you do?

Ask Ms. Laffey!


Ms. Laffey asked a question for the whole class to answer, but some people don't feel comfortable answering that question in front of everyone. What can they do?

Message Ms. Laffey on GoGuardian or send her an email.


Fluffle the Puffle notices that Ms. Laffey made a mistake on the slideshow. She accidentally typed the wrong page number! What is a respectful way to let Ms. Laffey know about her mistake?

"Ms. Laffey, I think you accidentally wrote the wrong page number on slide ____. I think the correct page number is ____"


Ms. Laffey puts everyone in breakout rooms to work together on Book Club work. What should the breakout rooms look like, sound like, and feel like?

It should look like students completing their work on their Chromebooks, it should sound like students talking about their book, reading out loud, and asking questions when needed, and it should feel comfortable and welcoming. 


TRUE OR FALSE: If you are working on independent work and are not sure what to do, it is okay to just skip it. 



If you have something you need or a question you need answered, what should you do?

Ask Ms. Laffey!