What do you have to do before ANYTIME that you touch another pereson?
Ask for permission
What is the "Other Materials" (e.g., pencils, erasers, paper, tissues, art tools, "Grab What You Need," etc.) hand signal?
Sign language "m" for materials!
What kinds of beverages/drinks are allowed in the classroom?
Water! Only water!
Which cabinets are students welcome to open?
All cabinets labeled "Student Cabinet"
How many lines do we walk in when we're in the hallway?
2 lines
What does bullying mean?
Hurting someone more than once (either with your words or your body)
What is the hand signal for taking a break?
Sign language "b" for break!
Which items can you bring from home into the classroom?
Just the clothes you have on! And your backpack under your chair!
By the door
What is one reason why you should raise your hand to talk?
1) There are about 30 people in this room
2) We have to take turns talking
3) What you have to say is important and we want to hear it
Do you HAVE to tell an adult at school if you see or experience bullying?
The only other option is that you tell an adult at home, who then tells an adult at school. An adult at school HAS to know.
What is the hand signal for using classroom Focus Tools?
Sign language "t" for tool!
What happens if you spill your water bottle more than once in this classroom?
You can't have your water bottle in the classroom any more!
Where are the journals?
In the break corner
Why should you use classroom materials gently?
1) If you break them, they won't be there next time you need them
2) If you break them, other people can't use them
Usually, we follow the Accountability for Behaviors. What is something a student might do that would make teachers SKIP steps in the list?
Physically hurting someone
Saying something very very very mean (e.g., being racist, homophobic, etc.)
What are the steps to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom or get water?
1) Look at the white board - is someone else already out?
2) Raise the restroom signal above your head
3) Wait for the teacher to give you the okay
4) Write your name on the sign-out white board
5) Take the pass
What are the two rules about having a water bottle in the classroom?
1) They must be closed!
2) They must be away from your computer!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do headphones go? How are you supposed to store them?
Put them in the right numbered pocket
When do you NOT have to raise your hand in this classroom?
2) When you are working with a partner or a small group
If you tell safe, what could you say to someone that is bullying another student?
Tell them to stop bullying
Can I ever get out of my chair without first doing a hand signal and getting an okay from the teacher?
I don't want to make you have to ask permission to get up, but there are almost 30 of us in here - it would be crazy if we were all walking around.
What is the #1 rule that Ms. Otto wants to have but will get rid of FIRST if it isn't working?
Allowing kids to eat in the classroom!
We cannot have bugs or rats or mice in here!
There are a lot of materials in this classroom. Which materials do you have to SIGN-OUT to use?
1) Library books
2) Focus tools
What is the rule about the break corner that Ms. Otto wants to have but will immediately get rid of it it isn't working?
Not having to set a timer every time you take a break
You should take as much time as you need but ONLY AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED